

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

The Left Can't Stop Distorting the Hobby Lobby Decision

Of the 20 FDA approved  birth control, Hobby Lobby approves the use of 16 of them through their Insurance. The way I read it that the 4 not approved are like an abortion pill. They can still be purchased if the want them.  So the Scumbags on the left thinks that this a war on women again or the end of contraception, they must have their head way up their ASS! Oh but that is the Liberal way. Make this a political thing. When Obamacare was up held by Scotus the Libs said that it is law and the argument is over. These Idiots can't handle  it when the ruling does not go there way!  They are Pathetic!

The so-called 'contraception mandate' has been an issue on which the Left has lied with exceptional fervency since the administration first released its controversial regulation in 2012. For reasons we explained yesterday, the Supreme Court's ruling in the Hobby Lobby case was a narrowly-tailored exercise in judicial restraint. Listening to some on the Left, though, one could be forgiven for thinking that the Court had outlawed womanhood itself. The outrage flowed from the cynically deceitful to the mindless, reactionary, under-informed masses, on whom said cynics rely for votes. Elected Democrats got the ball rolling with a string of deeply misleading, paint-by-numbers "war on women" and anti-corporation slogans:

It's time that five men on the Supreme Court stop deciding what happens to women.

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