

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Obama was right? Glenn rethinks what he told Megyn Kelly last week

On radio Tuesday, Glenn announced he no longer believes Obama has been “off every single time,” as he said to Megyn Kelly on her show last week. “No,” he said. “The president actually has been right every step of the way.” Glenn went on to make the case that President Obama knew exactly what he was doing. We have heard that the president has his military, led by his appointments, altering the intelligence reports to say the things that he wants them to say. But that’s the least of his problems. I want to go back to 2012. The election was nearing. The White House was doing all it could to push Benghazi hearings off until after the election. And they were in the midst of a horrible PR disaster, trying to appear strong on terror as terrorism was surging. The DOD has recently did he classified and released an Intel assessment from that same year of 2012. And it’s a snapshot of how the administration viewed the Middle East at the time, what they thought would happen, and what their plans were. He paused for effect before continuing. “Now, I want to make this very clear,” Glenn said. “I’m charging that this president was the architect behind much of what was going on. I’m charging that the president was not surprised by this at all. I’m charging that the president knew clearly these things would happen.” 
No good fruit can grow from a bad tree, right?  

Listen to the segment from radio for more. 
Source: http://www.glennbeck.com/2015/11/24/obama-was-right-glenn-rethinks-what-he-told-megyn-kelly-last-week?utm_source=glenn


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