

Wednesday, June 29, 2016


This Shows the Stupidity of the In Bred Bastards in this "Regime"

With Paris, San Bernardino, Brussels, Orlando, and now Istanbul, ISIS-inspired terrorists can seemingly strike at will. According to John Kerry however, these deadly attacks prove that ISIS is losing. This must be an extension of the Obama administration’s plan to kill the terrorists with kindness. If being sympathetic to radical Islam defeats them, then deadly terror attacks must mean it’s working.
The Secretary of State was delivering some remarks at the Aspen Ideas Festival in Colorado and boy did he have some festive ideas:
“Now, yes, you can bomb an airport, you can blow yourself up. That’s the tragedy. Daesh and others like it know that we have to get it right 24/7/365. They have to get it right for ten minutes or one hour. So it’s a very different scale. And if you’re desperate and if you know you’re losing, and you know you want to give up your life, then obviously you can do some harm,” said Kerry.
I find it disturbing that our nation’s top diplomat doesn’t understand jihad and suicide bombing. It’s part of a really f*cked up religion that makes heroes out of those who sacrifice themselves to kill the infidels. A suicide bomber isn’t “giving up” because he knows he’s losing, he does it for the glory of Allah. This is anything but an act of desperation.
I also find it unsettling that no one in the Obama administration will call the Islamic State terrorists “ISIS.” Obama always calls them ISIL and here Kerry refers to them as “Daesh.” Everyone else on the planet, including ISIS, calls them ISIS. I guess this is part of the president’s ultimate plan to defeat them. He won’t say “radical Islam” because that empowers them, and I’m assuming he won’t say “ISIS” for the same reason.
As for Kerry’s assertion that ISIS (sorry ISIL Daesh) is loosing and desperate, those motherf*ckers have hit Europe and America 5 times in the past 6 months, killing hundreds of innocent people. That’s almost a major terror attack per month. If that’s losing, what would it look like if they were winning?
I don’t know the answer to that question, but I do know what losing really looks like. It’s when your enemy can strike at any time, anywhere. It’s when your leaders insist that they have they situation under control when clearly they do not. Losing is when ISIS strikes and the president’s reaction is to blame Americans and their freedom. Losing is when the president and his administration are too scared to even call our enemy by their name.
Right now, the ISIS jihadis are high-fiving each other because Obama is president and John Kerry is Secretary of State. As long as those two are calling the shots, ISIS knows they can kill and spread terror with little to no opposition. They are also hoping like hell that Hillary Clinton is the next president, for the very same reason. Much like how illegal aliens and criminal scumbags are democrats because of all the free stuff, Islamic terrorists lean left because democrats give them the gift of terror through incompetence and inaction.

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