

Monday, June 27, 2016

Rush explanation of the Supreme Court Ruling on the Texas Law.

I can see what Texas was doing to protect the patient in a clean environment and not like Rush said a Back Alley Abortion Clinic. The Media and the Idiots interviewed all were saying big win for abortions (killing babies) because Texas wanted to stop Abortions. They are twisting the truth.

RUSH:  Here's what the Texas law basically did that's been struck down on abortion. But I'm telling you, as far as the left is concerned, the big deal here is that the meaning... One of the things that happened as the result of the 2010 Republican landslide has been beat-back.  Beating us is as big a deal to them.  This did not threaten abortion, but they believe any law -- any law -- that stands in the way of any abortion any time has got to be stopped because it's a trend toward banning abortion. 
What would have happened here, Texas argued before the court, is that in its 2013 law and subsequent regulations were needed to protect women's health.  The rules that Texas implemented required doctors who perform abortions to have admitting privileges at nearby hospitals.  And the law forced clinics to meet hospital-like standards for outpatient surge.  And the pro-aborts looked at this as efforts to limit abortion.  What they were, were efforts to make it safer.  To the extent that it might have limited abortion by eliminating certain clinics, yeah, you could see that, and that's what the pro-aborts saw.
"No, no, no! We're not gonna limit our clinics.  You're not gonna shut us down no matter what goes on in there.  It doesn't matter.  You are not gonna win! You're not gonna have one win when it comes to abortion.  Abortion is constitutional, and we're not gonna allow you one maneuver even if it is legitimately made to have qualified doctors and qualified outpatients."  They don't care.  Making sure the abortion happens is the nut of the political agenda.  And defeating us in the process is not just icing on the cake; it's practically as important as the substance of the case. 
RUSH:  No, I'm not exaggerating the Supreme Court decision here. That's why I said, "Apparently back-alley abortions weren't really a problem."  Apparently abortuaries that are no better than veterinary clinics like Kermit Gosnell's are apparently not a problem.  "You're not gonna put any limits. You're not gonna put safety standards. You're not gonna do anything to our abortion clinics even under the guys of making it safe that might make it tougher to get an abortion. We're not gonna allow it!" And that's exactly what the court said. 

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