

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Hillary Clinton prioritizes outlawing criticism of Hillary Clinton

Sounds like if she gets the spot she will be like the Turkey Dictator and stop people from criticizing her by punishing them. Do we want another Obama dick-tator wannabe.....Hell no

Orlando, Dallas, Nice, terrorism, dangerous levels of deficit, lowest workforce participation in decades as millions give up even trying to find work, Putin auditioning for Tsar Vlad the Terrible, the bonds that hold a civil society together coming apart at an accelerating rate...and Hillary Clinton announces her intent to seek to alter the Constitution within a month of being sworn in as president.  For what grand purpose would that prioritization be?
CNN reports:
Hillary Clinton will pledge on Saturday to introduce an amendment to the Constitution to overturn the Supreme Court's Citizen United decision within the first 30 days of her administration, an aide said Saturday.
No matter how much CNN and other water carriers for the Democratic Party try to frame the Citizens United decision as having "opened the floodgates for outside money in politics," that decision determined that it was not in fact illegal for an incorporated organization of citizens to make, advertise, and distribute a documentary film critical of – Hillary Clinton!
That documentary was not peripheral to that case.  It was what the case was about.  From the first page of the Court's decision:
In January 2008, appellant Citizens United, a nonprofit corporation, released a documentary (hereinafter Hillary) critical of then-Senator Hillary Clinton, a candidate for her party's Presidential nomination. Anticipating that it would make Hillaryavailable on cable television through video-on-demand within 30 days of primary elections, Citizens United produced television ads to run on broadcast[.]
Clinton's name appears eighteen times in the sixty-four pages of the Court's Opinion.
No self-awareness or sense of irony here!  The congenital lying becoming unhesitatingly more routine.  Not even an attempt is made to hide the cravenness now.  She signals that the reins of the executive branch will be used for personal aggrandizement and fully expects that her political and media allies and her supporters will simply fall in line behind the Protecting Hillary Clinton Amendment to the Constitution.
And she is probably right.


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