

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Here We Go=> Uncle Joe Biden Launches PAC to Focus on Fooling Middle Class That Democrats Care …*Wink-Wink*

The Left lost because they Didn't give a Shit about the hard working American Middle Class. Only worried about the wealthy doners and Illegals and refugees and the welfare state

Uncle Joe launched a Super PAC this month in an obvious attempt to keep himself relevant for the next election.

Uncle Joe also wants Americans to believe that the Democrat Party supports the working class.
This comes after:
** Democrats destroyed the US steel industry
** Democrats tried to destroy US mining
** Democrats worked to destroy the US oil and petroleum development across the country
** Democrats shut down common sense pipeline projects that are environment friendly
** Democrats destroyed the sugar industry in Hawaii
** Democrats destroyed vegetable and fruit farming in California
** Democrats destroyed lumber industry in Oregon
** Democrats killed coal – and put thousands of miners out of work
** Democrats killed fishing
** Democrats small business development
No wonder two-thirds of working class districts vote Republican.
But Joe wants to be pretend Democrats care about the middle class.
Handing out food stamps doesn’t count, Joe.
From Uncle Joe’s email:
There are some things I know, and some things I don’t. I know the middle class, folks.
And I know this too: The middle class needs a voice in this country again.
There are just too many folks who don’t think their leaders understand them any more. Who don’t think politicians listen to them. Who don’t think anyone — Democrat or Republican — even see them.
That’s got to change. I launched American Possibilities to build an organization that elects leaders who understand regular Americans once again. I need your help to build it, and that’s why I’m asking you to make a contribution today.
My dad had an expression. He used to say, “Joey, I don’t expect the government to solve my problems. But I sure expect my government to understand my problems.”
In the months to come, I’ll be fighting for candidates who embody that principle on the campaign trail, providing them with the resources they need to win — and I’ll be bringing you into the process of selecting who and what we’ll support along the way, because this isn’t just my fight. It’s a fight for all of us.


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