

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Jay Carney Confirms Which Scandals Obama Thinks Are "Phony"

I watched this Obama Mouth stutter and hesitate to try to talk about this. What an Idiot. I would be embarrassed to go out and say this crap for Obama to the reporters. I would like to see the families of the dead Peaople and the targeted IRS  groups in the same room, they are libel to get up and slap the crap out of this Douchbag when he says phony
During the White House briefing Wednesday, Press Secretary Jay Carney was asked which scandals in particular the Obama administration thought were "phony." His answer? The IRS targeting conservative groups and Benghazi. 

Asked which "phony scandals" Pres Obama frequently decries, Jay Carney cited Benghazi and the IRS.

Classy as usual. I'd like to remind Carney and his boss that there's nothing phony about dead Americans or the IRS intimidating law abiding citizens for political reasons. The more Obama administration officials claim these scandals are "phony," the more incriminating they are becoming to themselves. 

You know how you can tell Obama was directly involved with IRS targeting? He went from saying it was "inexcusable" to saying it is "phony"

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