

Friday, July 19, 2013

Krauthammer: Obama's Trayvon Speech "Not Enlightening"--The Trial Was Not About Race

This P.O.S. comes out before the people and uses race and stand your ground in his speech. Neither one was the case here! More of his divisive Lies and B.S. and people believe this idiot. What really lite me up was when he said "If it was a white boy things might be different". That is Crap for the President of this Country to be divisive  like this. Now the Sharpton gatherings Sat will happen and People will be fired up thinking the Jury was Racist. What an Ass Bag!

I appreciate Krauthammer shooting down Steve Hayes' attempt to praise Obama's White House Press Conference appearance on the George Zimmerman verdict. Sadly, I've heard too many conservatives give the thumbs up to The One's "heart-felt" and "genuine" speech. There are two reasons I don't like it and these two reasons were the thread running through his 17 minute speech: 1) He was an apologist for black victim hood. 2) He appealed to the sentiments of white guilt. That in itself disqualifies the speech from having any positive or redemptive aspects. When he tried to speak "positive" at the end, it was immediately nullified based on the first part of his speech--the 9 or so minutes of his NAACP-like talking points.

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