

Friday, August 23, 2013

AdTech Ad Obamacare Disaster: Delta Air Lines Health Care Costs Will Increase by $100 Million in 2014

Remember this Idiot we have in the White House is saying Obama care is good its helping people without insurance. That's Socialism! Taking from one and giving to another, He is an idiot.Obama needs to talk to the people thats getting Laid off or hours cut to see how Obama care is helping them??  What an Assbag!

Delta Airlines recently announced that Obamacare will cost the company over $100 million dollars. Makes you wonder how high our airfare will climb because of that, doesn’t it?
Reently Forbes magazine reported, “A recently-leaked letter from Delta Air Lines to the Obama administration states that the “cost of providing health care to our employees will increase by nearly $100,000,000 next year,” much of it due to Obamacare.”
“Make no mistake,” wrote Robert Kight, Delta’s vice president for global human resource services and labor relations. “The costs imposed on Delta and our employees are very real and they are escalating. [Obamacare’s costs], when combined with normal medical inflation and the end of the [Early Retiree Reinsurance] program mean that the cost of providing health care to our employees will increase by nearly $100,000,000 next year.” 
Now, catch this…
The Delta letter specifies a number of Obamacare provisions that are increasing their costs. The law charges Delta a “reinsurance fee” that goes toward funding the law’s subsidized insurance exchanges. But Delta employees get coverage from Delta, not from the exchanges; hence, the fee is effectively a $10 million tax on Delta for other government purposes.
The oft-noted provision of the law that requires employers to cover “adult children” up to the age of 26 has also driven up Delta’s costs, according to the letter. “More than 8,000 children [have been] added to our rolls resulting in a permanent increase in our overall costs of about $14 million per year.” According to Delta, these added children have higher-than-average health costs, which has had the added effect of increasing premiums for other employees.
Now, you know that Delta isn’t the only large company that will be stuck with these exorbitant costs. You also know that all this will be hitting us ALL in the wallet.
Obama and his socialist cohorts keep claiming that Obamacare is “free” for us all. Why, it’s a wonderful “service” for you and me. But what they don’t say is that it is going to cost us more for everything we do from travel to food, to our entertainment… everything.
So, how high DO you think Obamacare will cause our air fare to go, eh? This president is killing us! Tell us what you think below.
Please Sign The Petition To Repeal Obamacare: CLICK HERE.

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