

Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Texas Congressman Steve Stockman, in an interview with Tim Constantine of “The Capitol Hill Show,” had some tough talk for Barack Obama. Congress Stockman is never one to mince words, beat-around-the-bush, or sugarcoat his communication, as this excerpt demonstrates (Page down to listen to entire interview, which covers Benghazi, Obamacare, Syria and more.):
TIM CONSTANTINE:  People refer to this as the recess, but really, when you go home, I swear you work harder than you have to in Washington, because everybody knows you’re there, every constituent would like to talk to you, you do townhall meetings…there’s just a lot going on at all times. How has the homework period been for you so far? 
CONGRESSMAN STEVE STOCKMAN:  We’re having a lot of townhall meetings, and the anger among business owners to this president, this liar-in-chief is because he said everyone gets to keep your insurance. He described this scenario, his health care bill, which was supposed to be utopia and people are just furious finding out that it’s not the way it was portrayed. 

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