

Tuesday, August 27, 2013


These two stories show that these two Liberal hacks are total Garbage(Idiots)

Steven Salaita, an associate professor of English at Virginia Techargues in a column posted this morning at Salon.com that Americans should stop saying "support the troops," calling it "trite and tiresome." He argues that patriotism and voicing support for the troops is merely a cover for American "imperialism" and likens American soldiers to murderers and ignorant individuals who "act like an Adam Sandler character."
Band of Mothers' Bev Perlson sent this. Please make a call today and email; let the President at Virginia Tech know that this is hateful speech and concerning to us all. We've had enough Americans killed on our soil by a jihadi who hates our troops and hates America.
Email the President at president@vt.edu. That's a good idea, but ringing phones has always worked really well in the past. We've had Billy Ayers disinvited many many times at universities just by ringing phones.  You can reach the President, Charles W Steger, at 540-231-6231.   
  • President and Prof. of Arch.
  • President - Admin. (0131)
  • Work: 540-231-6231   
His facebook page avatar advocates the annihilation of Israel. This from a professor at a university that endured the mass slaughter of Ismail Ax.
"VA Tech professor: Stop saying "Support the Troops" The Examiner, August 26, 2013
Steven Salaita, an associate professor of English at Virginia Techargues in a column posted this morning at Salon.com that Americans should stop saying "support the troops," calling it "trite and tiresome." He argues that patriotism and voicing support for the troops is merely a cover for American "imperialism" and likens American soldiers to murderers and ignorant individuals who "act like an Adam Sandler character."
According to the blog "Social Foundations of Education," Salaita is an anti-Israel, pro-Jihadist advocate known for making outrageous statements.
Salaita, however, seems less concerned about defining symbolic or literal support for our troops. Instead, he is angered by what our military represents, and what he perceives as the inhuman conduct by the troops. "Who, for instance, are 'the troops'?" he writes. "Do they include those safely on bases in Hawaii and Germany? Those guarding and torturing prisoners at Bagram and Guantánamo? The ones who murder people by remote control? The legions of mercenaries in Iraq? The ones I’ve seen many times in the Arab world acting like an Adam Sandler character? 'The troops' traverse vast sociological, geographical, economic and ideological categories. It does neither military personnel nor their fans any good to romanticize them as a singular organism."
And this "latest" tirade by this scumbag was prompted by a donation jar at a convenience store to "support the Troops".  His article goes on and on and although he enjoys the wonderful freedom and safety our Troops provide to the likes of "jihadis" hiding among us, he apparently doesn't like America either, she is "evil"!!!!!
I spoke with the secretary to the President this morning.  Of course, the President, Charles Steger, wasn't in today (sounds like another President we know, eh?!).
Valerie Henderson, his secretary, said she heard about the article but hadn't read it yet.  She asked me to send it to her and I have obliged her. I told her she will be getting a lot of calls today from Americans who love our Troops and and our country and who will be outraged and offended by this "jihadi" employed at their school.  I suggested he reminded me of a certain Major Hasan who gave all kinds of signs he was an "enemy within" before he massacred 13 Soldiers at Ft Hood!  I asked her if the people at her school had already forgotten about the shooter at their school who massacred 32 people.  He, like Hasan, had thoughts before he turned to violent action. 
She of course asked that folks email the President at president@vt.edu and that's a good idea but ringing phones has always worked really well in the past.  We've had Billy Ayers disinvited many many times at universities just by ringing phones.  You can reach the President
Charles W Steger, at 540-231-6231.   


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