

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

New Sebelius Lie: Seven Million Obamacare Enrollments Was Never Our Goal

Wow, these scumbags Lie Everyday and expect people to believe them! What Assbags!

The woman lies routinely -- see here,here, and here -- but this one's a real whopper:

February 2014: "Seven million was not the administration['s enrollment goal]."

September 2013: "Success looks like at least seven million people signing up by the end of March."

It's a rare treat to expose a lie so shameless with back-to-back, smoking gun clips, but here it is in all its mendacious glory. (Here's another one, starring Nancy Pelosi). The Obama administration tried a similar trick in downgrading the percentage of young, healthy enrollees they said would be required to make Obamacare's risk pools sustainable. Before they started failing far behind on that metric, the target was near 40 percent; now it's suddenly 30 percent, thanks toanti-math, political ass-covering magic. There's another major lie inherent in Sebelius' answer in the first clip, during which the left-wing interviewer amusingly asserts that "there's no doubt the [sign-ups] progress has been great:" She's still clinging to widely debunked enrollment statistics. Her numbers don't account for non-payment rates (expected to be at least 20 percent in many markets), nor do they distinguish between newly insured consumers and people who were simply scrambling to get insured after Obamacare yanked their previous plans away. The CBO recently clawed back its likely enrollment projection by seven figures, and as of the beginning of February, the administration was far off pace to even hit the revised total:
WH target: 7 mil enrollments by 3/31. 66% thru process, they're at 47% of goal & can't say who's paid, a prerequisite for coverage.

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