

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

SHOCK: 63 Percent of DEMOCRATS Believe Obama IRS DELIBERATELY Destroyed Lois Lerner’s Emails

In a shocking new poll that devastates the the Obama regime’s meme that the IRS scandal is a phony one trumped up by Republicans, almost two-thirds of Democrats believe that the Obama IRS intentionally destroyed Lois Lerner’s emails.  
Additionally, perhaps even more surprising, 66% of Democrats believe that “Congress should continue to investigate the Internal Revenue Service’s targeting of hundreds of conservative and Tea Party groups until someone is held accountable,” the new FOX News poll found. 

“Independents,” a group highly coveted by both major political parties, also overwhelmingly don’t believe the Obama regime’s claim that Lerner’s emails were accidentally “lost” due to a “crashed hard drive.”

Almost three-quarters, 74%, of Independents, those not identifying with either party, believe that the Obama IRS “deliberately” destroyed Lerner’s emails. Also, 65% believe that Congress should continue the investigation until someone is held accountable. 

Republicans, as would be expected, believe the investigation should continue and don’t believe that Lerner’s emails were accidentally destroyed. 

This is further proof that the IRS targeting of individuals, based upon their political beliefs, is becoming a bipartisan issue among all Americans, except perhaps among Democrat politicians eager to provide cover for the corrupt Obama regime. 

Do you believe that the Obama IRS accidentally lost Lois Lerner’s emails? Take the Official Tea Party Poll. Click HERE!


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