

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

VIDEO: CNN – Captured Benghazi Suspect Not in Hiding; What Took So Long?

Its great that he is caught. But this title explains it so well. This guy has been out in the open and doing TV interviews. Maybe the select committee, is putting  the heat on these Clowns and they were getting nervous. Remember Obama swore justice years ago when this happened and now the Clown says that we will hunt you down and get justice!  Why now??

Barack Obama and his regime are claiming victory in the capture of a Benghazi suspect. The Washington Post reported that U.S. Special Forces apprehended the suspect, Ahmed Abu Khattala, during a secret raid in Libya over the weekend. He is said to be the mastermind behind the Benghazi terrorist attacks. However, the timing of this capture, giving Obama the opportunity to claim some type of victory in the seeking of justice is rather suspect. 
Obama has been under intense criticism for his handling of the increasing violence and takeover of Iraq by the terrorist group ISIS. He and his team have also been criticized for the continuous and growing influx of illegal aliens over our southern border and the policy enacted to fly them to red state areas of Arizona, Oklahoma, and Texas. Now, suddenly a suspect in Benghazi has been captured by the U.S. with Obama saying, “…it’s important for us to send a message to the world that when Americans are attacked, no matter how long it takes, we will find those responsible, and we will bring them to justice. And that’s a message I sent the day after it happened, and regardless of how long it takes, we will find you.” 
However, according to a CNN report on August 1, 2013, nearly 10 months ago, the suspect now in U.S. custody was never in hiding. In fact, CNN interviewed him in Libya 10 months ago which begs the question, “If they could find and meet with him, why could the U.S. government not do the same?” In fact, the CNN’s Arwa Damon stated that, when she interviewed him, Khattala said he was willing to speak to Americans, but they never sought him out. Instead, with Team Obama embroiled in scandal after scandal, an ‘exciting capture via a secret raid’ is the story now being told.
WATCH CNN’s Wolf Blitzer’s report on the interview of Khattala 10 months ago.


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