

Thursday, June 26, 2014

WATCH: Lt. Col. Ralph Peters UNLOADS on “Coward” Obama in Bombshell Interview

With scandals as numerous as the stars in the heavens plaguing his administration, his popularity beginning to wane, and the Supreme Court stripping him of power a piece at a time, Obama’s probably not enjoying his job much these days.
If he happened to tune into Megyn Kelly’s show and heard Lt. Col. Ralph Peters unload on him with both barrels blazing, his attitude likely didn’t improve.
Peters held nothing back in his scathing rant against the president, stating that Iraq has fallen apart, and the president is a coward for not taking action to defend the U.S.
He also expressed concern for the special operators who are now in Iraq, stating that Obama has put them in danger.
Fox News reports:
Peters told Megyn Kelly, “Iraq has come apart. Nobody is gonna put Humpty Dumpty together.”
Peters said we must prevent the emergence of the first terrorist state, slamming Obama, who he called a “coward” and said “won’t make tough decisions to defend America.”
“It’s absolutely criminal that this president has done nothing and is still doing nothing,” he said.
Peters believes that 300 military advisers won’t make a difference but will put our people in harm’s way.
“Mark my words. If ISIS were able to grab one or several of our special operators – and they will try – if they were able to, our guys aren’t gonna get the gentle treatment Bergdahl got from the Taliban.”
Lt. Col. Peters is spot on. If the president had a super power it would be the ability to make a colossal mess of global proportions and play a round of golf while the world burns.
Obama’s foreign policy in Iraq is a total disaster. It has given terrorist organizations a strong presence and foothold in the region, making it likely that America will experience attacks in the future. Couple that with placing special operators in harm’s way, and things can’t seem to get much worse.
We need someone in the White House who can lead and make hard decisions. Barack Obama has clearly proven he’s not the man for the job. With that being said, it’s time for America to give him his pink slip.

Read more at http://conservativetribune.com/ralph-peters-unloads-on-obama/#TUTotQFF3jBhvoou.99


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