

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Bad Terrorist! Kerry Says – He’s Not “Supposed To Be Doing That” Al-Qaeda Stuff

A Classic Dumbass and this clown is in a serious position. If this released Terrorist that Obama released kills anybody they can personally thank Obama and this Dumbass

During Senate hearings before the State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Subcommittee of the Senate Appropriations Committee, Secretary of State John Kerry made a couple of revealing and unsettling statements.
Kerry is shown a blown up picture of former Gitmo detainee Ibrahim al Qosi, who Kerry and Obama released back into the fight as part of their “empty Gitmo at all costs” program. His Sudanese captors, which the US handed him over to, let Qosi go. They did so in spite of supposed assurances made to the naive fools at the State Department and White House of his continued incarceration. Nobody, be they American or foreigner respects either of those two.

A Terrorist Released From Gitmo Is Going To Rejoin The Fight If Possible – Learn From This, Kerry

During the hearing, Sen. Mark Kirk (R-IL) referenced the release and said to Kerry, “Now that he’s out, I would hope we would end the policy of issuing terrorists to terrorist nations, and where they can get out.”
Kerry showed just how big of a fool he is, saying, “Well, Senator, he’s not supposed to be doing that and there are consequences for that and there will be.” No kidding, Mr. Kerry, really? He’s a terrorist; he’s made his life all about doing what he’s not supposed to be doing. How big of a fool thinks that he’s going to make an exception for the United States that he hates so vehemently? Is it idiocy or treachery that has no bounds in the Obama regime?
He continues to defend the release of terrorists; obviously aware that the rest of them will be set free if need be in order to accommodate the Obama agenda. Kerry said, “The fact is that we’ve got people who’ve been held without charges for 13 years, 14 years in some cases. That’s not American, that’s not how we operate.”
So the fact that the released captives are rejoining the fight will have no impact on the release of future inmates. The broken promises of terrorist nations makes no difference either. The length of time they have been held is being regarded as sufficient by Kerry and Obama; 14 years is long enough. That’s “who we are,” as Americans.
How we operate is to release known killers back into the custody of their sympathizers who then release them to kill unknown numbers of innocent people again, including targeting Americans and our allies.
From where did Mr. Kerry obtain authorization for his unilateral, dictatorial, “I’ll make up the rules and law as I go along” method of operating the right way? Who says he gets to decide what is right?
It is these same Senators who surround him, and their counterparts in the House, who fail to rein in this rogue anti-American regime when they overstep their powers under the Constitution. They are, through their complicit inaction, awarding powers to the regime that rightfully belong to Congress, and to the people. None of these fools care.

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