

Saturday, July 13, 2013

WATCH: Sheriff David Clarke, Milwaukee County Sheriff tells why SELF-PROTECTION IS IMPORTANT.

His words are wise and need to be heard now more than ever. Police departments around the country are right where Obama wants them: understaffed and overworked, which is why Mr. Clarke says you are your own best defense.

That's not sitting well with a well-trained liberal lapdog. Soledad tries to argue that civilians who have guns but "don't know how to use them" are more dangerous and quotes a Chicago-area sheriff on why "civilians should not have guns". Of course, as usual Sheriff Clarke sets her straight. 

1/28/13 - Milwaukee County Sheriff David A. Clarke Jr. on why he is advising residents to learn how to use guns for protection


If the wimp-in-chief tries gun confiscation, Sheriff Clarke says he will stand with the PEOPLE. 

Watch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0e8d7xoODko

PS: Soledad now works for Al-Jazeera, and we think she's a perfect fit.


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