

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Veteran Montel Williams Delivers Blistering Takedown of Obama Over What He Failed to Do During Big West Point Speech

Talk show host and military veteran Montel Williams went after President Barack Obama on Wednesday for not using his West Point speech as an opportunity to apologize to members of the U.S. military for having “dropped the ball on the veterans’ health.”
(Fox News)
(Fox News)
“The president just promised $5 billion for terrorists around the world?! At West Point?!” Williams said angrily. “Where he could have used the day to say, ‘I’m sorry for the pain that I’ve caused you, the families, and I’m gonna fix it today!’”
Williams then called for a “#VASurge” campaign to make sure there is enough funding to adequately address the health concerns of military veterans.
Continuing his angry tirade against the Obama administration’s handling of the Veterans Affairs scandal, Williams told Neil Cavuto that firing VA Secretary Eric Shinseki just isn’t going to cut it. He argued that would be like cutting the head of a chicken that could keep living, citing the famousMiracle Mike chicken who survived for roughly 24 months after having its head cut off.
“I’m angry because, you know, we made a promise. When I stood with my hand up proudly, I said, ‘I do solemnly swear and affirm to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic and I will bear true faith.’ I went through my oath,” Williams said.
“I told the world I’m willing to put my life on the line and die for you,” he continued. “Now, our guys went over. They left body parts. Some of them never made it back. Some of them are here now and their souls are still there. And we have the audacity to turn our back on them right this second?”
At the end of the segment, the former Marine hit back at those who have criticized him for daring to talk with Glenn Beck about the VA scandal.
“I have people tweeting me saying, ‘How dare you even talk to Glenn Beck about this?’” Williams noted. “Well guess what, Neil? I put out my op-ed piece, Glenn Beck was the only person who picked it up. I couldn’t get traction in The New York Times, Washington Post. They don’t want to hear me, I guess.”

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