

Monday, December 15, 2014

Obama's Grand Plan

The lame duck has plans to be a powerful player after he leaves office. He is not done with us -- not by a long shot.
Many presidents suffer a shock when they leave office. The trappings of fame and power are missed.  The spotlight no longer shines on them. Some go gracefully: Harry Truman, Dwight Eisenhower, Ronald Reagan and the Bushes come to mind. One has gone shamefully: Richard Nixon. Then we have Bill Clinton who still seeks the spotlight with hopes it reflects onto Hillary and helps her achieve her goal to be the next president. There is Jimmy Carter who is a meddler who has irritated all successor presidents (see “The Presidents Club: Inside the World’s Most Exclusive Fraternity) but is spent as a political force.
Barack Obama intends to smash this paradigm.
A man so addicted to power and so intent to extend his legacy will not retire to a lifetime of golf and well-paying speechifying. He will be a relatively young and healthy ex-president. He has not given up his goal to fundamentally transform America.
How will he stay a political player once he has left office? He has already tipped his hand with some of his recent actions.
Barack Obama has the lowest approval levels of his presidency. He has lost key demographic groups that propelled him to election and re-election to the presidency.  Many whites, young people, and Asians have lost faith in him -- and faith and hope were propellants to his presidential campaigns. At this point he is uninterested in repairing the damage with those groups -- he never showed interest in triangulating after the midterm thumping in 2010 and certainly has no desire to compromise now. He is a lame duck with duck hunters in charge of Congress.  As he noted, he will not be on the ballot ever again. But he still loves the love among his most loyal supporters -- people who support him come hell or high water: blacks and Hispanics. He has a reason to shore up support among those key groups going forward.
Obama knows that demographics are destiny. African-Americans are 13% of the population of America, with key concentrations in states rich with electoral power (California, New York, and Illinois for example). Hispanics are 17 % of the population and also live in states that have a huge impact, particularly in presidential contests. These states comprise the “blue firewall” that Republicans have a hard time overcoming in presidential races.  Texas, heretofore, reliably red for decades, is a number one target for flipping by Democrats, given that state’s high Hispanic population (the second highest number of Hispanics in the nation).  Florida is also a tempting target.
The number of Hispanics will grow immensely, especially relative to the white population (which is stagnant). In 2011 Hispanics already accounted for more than half the nation’s population growth in the previous decade. Much of this growth, incidentally, is due to high fertility rates among Hispanics in America. Once born on American soil, they instantly become American citizens eligible to vote when they are 18.
Obama’s de facto amnesty for illegal immigrants will further change the demographics of America and fundamentally transform America. Millions of Hispanics will no longer face deportation and will enjoy a plethora of benefits. These policies (the de facto Dream Act; the failure to enforce our laws; the abuse of prosecutorial discretion) will act as inducement for further immigration into America. There are now up to eleven million illegal immigrants in America; those numbers will substantially grow in the years ahead. Most of them will become Democrats if they become citizens and their children clearly will.

Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2014/12/obamas_grand_plan.html#ixzz3M1Lf3WRc
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