

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet

Another one broke Down by Rush.

RUSH:  I was just asked a question, ladies and gentlemen.  Does this mean that you can now go to Canada and buy a Cuban cigar and bring it back home?  I don't think it means that yet.  We are still here trying to figure out what happened.  And, by the way, I need to remind you all of something.  This is chump change compared to what's gonna happen the next two years.  I have warned all of you people, I have warned you that these last two years of the Obama administration are gonna actually be what he would have done if he'd had total control and did not have to worry about the Constitution the first two years. 
You'd better look out because today is just a smidgen example.  All these memos, executive orders, rewriting, overwriting, ignoring the US Constitution.  Wait 'til we sell Iran the nuclear bomb.  Wait 'til something like that happens.  You haven't seen anything yet.  This Cuban thing, this is chump change.  Yes, yes, yes, I'm joking, but I'm trying to illustrate a point by using excessive exaggeration.  You haven't seen anything yet.  This is just the beginning.  This is just a teaser, appetizer, for what is on tap the next two years.  Everything Obama thinks this country's guilty of and needs to apologize for, he's gonna take care of.  Cuban embargo, our fault, shouldn't have happened, We've devastated the Cuban people, it never made any sense, it's a relic, and it comes from a part of the American past which is not honorable, all that kind of stuff. 
Get this.  You may not know this yet.  The Regime has made an official move.  Are you ready for this?  The Obama admin, the DOJ is actually beginning the process of eliminating police officer shootings from grand jury proceedings.  In other words, police officers will no longer benefit from the equality clauses in the US Constitution.  In other words, if there is another police shooting, the local prosecutors will not be able to slough it off to a grand jury.  Grand juries will not be permitted to handle those.  They'll be held directly by the DA or the state attorney or whoever else.  That's a denial of equal access laws and the Regime is just gonna do it, gonna probably announce it with a memo.  And nobody's making any move to stop Obama on this.  
RUSH:  So I checked the e-mail during the break, as I always do.  "Rush, where'd you see that story on Obama and the grand juries and the cops?"  It's at TheHill.com.  Here's the headline:  "White House Task Force to Review Grand Jury's Handling of Police Killings -- A White House panel is examining whether grand juries are the best way to review the use of deadly force by law enforcement in the aftermath of controversial decisions not to indict police officers who killed unarmed black men.
"'One of the things that we will be looking at as a task force is independent review of these kinds of cases and how should that take place,' Philadelphia police chief Charles Ramsey, who is co-chairing the panel, told NPR's Morning Edition on Tuesday. ... 'Is a grand jury, for an example, the proper way of doing it, with the district attorney's involvement and that so forth?' he asked."
So this White House panel, handpicked by Obama, wants to take away police shooting cases from grand juries.  So what happens to equal protection under the law?  Aren't cops American citizens?  Aren't they almost on the same level as illegal aliens?  So why deny them equal protection under the law by denying them the ability for their cases to be heard by a grand jury?  But that's not all. 
The White House panel also wants to force local cops to undergo training.  This same White House panel that wants to take away police shooting cases from grand juries is demanding that local cops undergo training.  The task force admits that they can't tell cops, police departments, what to do. But they in effect say that they can threaten to withhold federal money from police departments to make the states and counties do their guy bidding.
Which is exactly what the federal government's done to get control of education, if you must know.  The way the Feds control curricula is to deny federal funds for things like the school lunch program, or to threaten to. Therefore they get their fingers in the curriculum and education, which is a state and local province.  So I'm telling you, folks: These next two years, you're gonna see things like this pop up all over the place, and it's gonna be machine gun-type cadence: Rat-tat-tat. 
  They're gonna be one after another, and every social injustice that Obama and the left think is occurring in this country, they are going to address it and fix it with the implementation of Alinsky-type leftist liberalism with the stroke of a pen.  It's all gonna happen, predicated on the notion that the US and the way it was founded was unjust and immoral, unfair, unequal.
And finally -- after 200-some-odd years, finally -- somebody is gonna come along and get it right.  It's gonna be frequent, and you're gonna feel overwhelmed, and you're gonna be looking to the Republicans in Washington to stop it, and they're not gonna have the slightest idea themselves what's happening.  You're gonna look in vain at our nation's capital hoping somebody there would stand up to stop this. 
Those who do, such as the Ted Cruzes and the Rand Pauls and the Mike Lees -- those who do stand up and try to stop whatever happens -- are going to be come under assault and attacked as kooks and freaks and maniacs and uncooperative and all the other insults.  That's the way the game is now being played.  

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