

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Obama’s Latest STERN Warning to Republicans Shows Who the REAL Obstructionist Is

The Media and the Liberal Hacks were saying the GOP Were Obstructionist? Sounds to me like it was Harry Reid Blocking the House Bills and now Obama says he will bring out the Veto Pen.......Who is the Obstructionist???? Media won't report it and the Liberal Socialist Idiots are cheering this move. What a Bunch of Idiotic Hypocrites! 

President Obama has thoroughly trampled the Constitution during his presidency. Even the strictest liberals, as a whole, do not deny that the president overstepped his constitutional limitations by granting amnesty via executive fiat; they simply maintain that the ends justified the means.
There is a power that the president holds, however, that can stop legislation in its tracks thatis constitutional- his power of the veto.
Unfortunately for America, the president who has few qualms about defying the law by granting amnesty will have even fewer qualms about vetoing legislation that comes across his desk that does not jibe with his radical agenda.
The president-turned-emperor issued a warning to incoming Republicans in an NPR issue airing on Monday. With Democrats suffering massive losses in November, both the Senate and the House will be controlled by Republicans come January- a fact that Obama speculates will cause him to get busy vetoing.
The man who has repeatedly claimed that he’s willing to work with Republicans high-handedly warned,
“I haven’t used the veto pen very often since I’ve been in office. Now, I suspect, there are going to be some times where I’ve got to pull that pen out.”
He added: “I’m going to defend gains that we’ve made in health care. I’m going to defend gains that we’ve made on environment and clean air and clean water.”
Obama has only vetoed two pieces of legislation since arriving in office; however, he has enjoyed the benefit of having a Senate and, for a time, House controlled by equally-radical Democrats.
To overturn the veto, Republicans would have to have a two-thirds majority approve the reversal. While GOP majorities are not that large, Democrats have broken rank in recent months to distance themselves from Obama and his disastrous agenda that the majority of Americans have soured on. While breaking rank and defying a presidential veto is not common, in this political atmosphere, it may be safe as nobody wants to be seen as an obstructionist.
The onus will soon be on President Obama to explain that, for years, he has postured as if Republicans are only interested in obstructing government, but as Republicans pass legislation, he is willing to stand in the way of such bills becoming laws.
If history is any indication, however, the mainstream media will likely refuse to shine a light on the president’s policy of obstruction and his enduring hypocrisy. 


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