

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Coulter: Trump Victory Boils Down To "Globalism vs. Nationality"

Bestselling author and early Trump advocate Ann Coulter appeared on 'Good Morning Britain' shortly after the Republican candidate officially won the presidency.

"It was entirely predictable, that's why lots of us did predict it," she said about Trump's victory.

"It is all part of the same thing," Coulter said about the issues Trump won on: Jobs, economy, immigration, and trade.

"That is globalism vs. nationality."

She continued: "Part of the trade deals are very important. We've lost our-- the number of manufacturing jobs has been halved in the past 20 years. People don't know in this beautiful city. They don't know in San Francisco. Or Washington or L.A. Go out to America. These people used to have great jobs and their kids could look forward to futures better than theirs. Now, it is good for Wall Street, because they get to arrange the international deals, but it is terrible for the people who live here. And dumping millions of unskilled workers on the country: Look at how awful it has been for the African-American community in this country. Trump is going to change the country."


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