

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Obamacare is Causing 41% of Small Businesses to Stop Hiring

The economic impact of Obamacare has been severe. Some businesses are worried about going under, corporations are cutting hours of employees, and the price of insurance is skyrocketing. People are being harmed — not helped. This happens when we try to centrally plan the economy.
Almost every small and medium-sized business owner I know of is greatly concerned about what the new laws on the books will mean for their business, their ability to stay afloat, and their ability to even survive the coming years. Being able to grow — and hire new workers — isn’t less pressing when you’re worried about your business even making it.
This is what happens when the government tries to “legislate” a free lunch. Nothing is free. Increasing demands for more health services and regulations will, ironically, lead to fewer people having the insurance, insurance costs going up, and fewer people even being employed at all. It’s the irony of statism: their policies are their biggest enemy. From CNBC:
“Forty-one percent of the businesses surveyed have frozen hiring because of the health-care law known as Obamacare. And almost one-fifth—19 percent— answered “yes” when asked if they had “reduced the number of employees you have in your business as a specific result of the Affordable Care Act.”
This means that almost 20% of small businesses have actually had to fire workers because of Obamacare. This is one of the most predictable economic fallouts in history. Literally millions of people tried to warn them of what would happen — and they didn’t care.
Their religious-like faith in the state was more important than economics and now millions will suffer. People are now turning away from Obamacare, realizing that it was a horrible idea all along. Fewer than 1/3rd of people support it, the White House admits its backfiring on the young, and even unions are turning against it.
It’s time to repeal Obamacare. “Recommend” if you agree:

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