

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Obama is an ‘Arrogant, Egomaniacal Sociopath,’ Says Potential Harry Reid Challenger

In the video below, Wayne Allyn Root makes a convincing, well-articulated case, with much specificity, as to why he believes that Obama is an “arrogant, egomaniacal sociopath.”
Wayne Allyn Root, author of the new book, The Murder of the Middle Class,” and former college classmate of Obama’s at Columbia University, mentioned to TPNN in July that he’s considering a run against Democrat Harry Reid in 2016

Root begins to lay out his case by quoting a definition of “sociopath,” that includes people who have a high degree of charisma and charm, but don’t really care about other people, and blame others (think George W. Bush, Republicans, the weather, etc.) for their personal failures. “They have a complete disregard for rules and lie constantly,” says the definition

Tying in Obama’s absenteeism from the presidency with his ongoing strategy of escaping to parties, lavish vacations and golf at swanky courses in times of national and international crisis, Root says Obama hasn’t really changed much from his college days. He was absent at Columbia as well:

In all my years of publicly questioning Obama’s absence at Columbia, I know of only two possible sightings. Two people called me claiming to be classmates. One caller claimed that he thinks he saw Obama once in a bar across from Columbia blowing smoke rings. Another called to say he thinks he saw Obama in the cafeteria at Barnard (our sister school for women only).
Two possible Obama sightings in 30 years: one smoking in a bar, the other at a women’s cafeteria. Isn’t that the perfect guy to run your country?
One example Root gives of Obama’s sociopathic behavior was his callous fundraising immediately following the Benghazi terrorist attacks. Another was not attending one of the “Jobs Council” meetings in over a year, a council he established, but somehow found time to attend 106 fundraisers during only a six-month window before the jobs council was eventually disbanded. 

RELATED: BOOM! Mark Levin to Obama: ‘Get Your Ass Off The Golf Course, Act Like a President, or Get the Hell Out!’

Of course, we know that just this past week, Obama cold-heartedly hit the golf course immediately following his soulless short speech about the brutal beheading of American journalist James Foley by evil Muslim terrorists.

“I believe we have a sociopath in the White House,” Root concluded.


Please share this article on Facebook and Twitter if you agree with Wayne Allyn Root that Obama is a sociopath. 


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