

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Two Paths

In an interview last week, Barack Obama spoke of the Balkanization of America, where the two political parties are forming “extreme” positions, which keep us from working together to do great things.
I wholeheartedly agree -- but let’s take a look back. While we (as a country) maintained philosophical disagreements, during George Bush’s presidency, the two parties cooperated on countless initiatives. And before that, Newt Gingrich and Bill Clinton worked together to achieve some great things, including Welfare Reform. Throughout our history, there have been great philosophical struggles, as to the nature (and role) of government.
Our system of government is premised on the public airing of political philosophy. Elections are held where citizens are presented an opportunity to reward an individual, and by extension a party, with the opportunity to put their philosophy to work.
I don’t oppose Barack Obama, or the Democrat Party, out of malice, but because,  frankly, their prescriptions are so often wrong.
Barack Obama is a masterful politician. Let’s give him credit for packaging his 2008 and 2012 campaigns. He sold a plurality of the country, that his philosophy of big government would remedy our; economic challenges, produce ‘good paying’ jobs, improve our healthcare & education systems, lower energy costs, lower our national debt, and reset our foreign affairs.
Our economy is dismal. Employers are shedding good paying full-time jobs for part-time low-wage jobs. ObamaCare has been disastrous. Energy costs have “necessarily skyrocketed.” Our national debt has almost doubled, and our foreign relations are in shambles.
Barack Obama spoke of “Fundamentally Transforming America.” Sadly, few thought to ask, fundamentally transform into what?
Presciently, Rush Limbaugh stated; “I hope he fails.” He went on to say; “I hope Liberalism fails. Liberalism is our problem. Liberalism is what’s gotten us close to the precipice here. Why do I want more of it?”
The promises made by Liberal politicians (in exchange for votes) have taken us to the edge. Our national debt, coupled with our unfunded liabilities (Welfare, Social Security, ObamaCare) has produced a government that far exceeds our economy’s ability to service its cost. There is no way, that our current trajectory doesn’t collapse our entire system.
There is Hope. Not Hope and Change, but true Hope.
To quote a popular rock song;
“There are two paths you can go by, but in the long run there’s still time to change the road you’re on.”
Is it extreme, to want to undo Barack Obama’s fundamental transformation? The road we’re on, leads to misery and despair.
America was founded on exceptional principles. Throughout our history, we have tried (our best) to uphold these principles; Freedom, Limited Government, Free Association, the protection of Private Property, and Respect for the “Rule of Law” embodied by our U.S. Constitution.  
We are balkanized. The path that we’re on, leads to misery and despair. The other -- Hope and Prosperity.

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