

Monday, July 29, 2024

Biden Debuts Radical Scheme Designed To Help Democrats Pack The Supreme Court

 We know biden doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground, so who is pushing this?  Obama?  AOC, the Dipshit that wants to impeach two Conservative Judges and not all of them that Constitutionally voted or agreed on all Presidential immunity?  They are butthurt because they think it should only affect Trump

Biden used a publication known for smearing Republican-nominated justices to further Democrats’ SCOTUS delegitimization campaign.

The regime with the most unconstitutional track record in modern history is seeking to destroy the only functioning institution left in America by completely overhauling it.

President Joe Biden, with the help of The Washington Post, advanced his public delegitimization campaign against the U.S. Supreme Court on Monday when he introduced a radical plan that would fulfill his party’s yearslong goal of destroying the judicial branch’s ruling body.

The man recently deemed too incompetent by the powers that be in his party to run for a second term condemned the court’s recent decision stating that former President Donald Trump has “at least presumptive immunity” for all “official acts” and once again lamented justices’ 2022 decision to do away with Roe v. Wade.

In Biden’s latest blatant lawfare attack on Democrats’ top political opponent, he used these examples from a routinely unanimous court as a springboard to argue for amending the U.S. Constitution so that “there is no immunity for crimes a former president committed while in office.” The First Family’s history of evading accountability suggests the “No President Is Above the Law” pledge would presumably not affect the patriarch of the Biden family’s international influence-peddling scheme.

Biden’s partisan mudslinging didn’t stop there.

After amplifying the Democrat-manufactured ethics scandal and false attacks linking justices to the Capitol chaos on January 6, 2021, Biden proposed in the pages of a publication known for smearing Republican-nominated justices and their families the enactment of “more predictable and less arbitrary” term limits for members of the high court.

“It would reduce the chance that any single presidency radically alters the makeup of the court for generations to come. I support a system in which the president would appoint a justice every two years to spend 18 years in active service on the Supreme Court,” the Biden article argues.

The president did not explain exactly how he planned to do so. The White House’s eager endorsement of a 2023 Democrat-led bill to enact 18-year term limits and forced retirement for senior justices like John Roberts and Clarence Thomas, however, suggests the Biden administration plans to use its connections in Congress to do his bidding.

Lastly, Biden expressed hope to permanently sustain slanted assaults on law-abiding Republican-nominated justices by “calling for a binding code of conduct for the Supreme Court.”

“The court’s current voluntary ethics code is weak and self-enforced,” Biden said, echoing the words of repeat SCOTUS smearers Rep. Jamie Raskin and Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse. “Justices should be required to disclose gifts, refrain from public political activity and recuse themselves from cases in which they or their spouses have financial or other conflicts of interest.”

Justices already abide by a code of conduct. In fact, it’s Democrat-nominated justices who repeatedly skirt criticism from the blue party and corporate media despite their long list “glaring ethical violations.”

The Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Studies Co-Chairman Leonard Leo, who has found himself in the crosshairs of Democrats’ SCOTUS delegitimization campaign in the past, said in a statement on Monday that Biden’s latest attack has nothing to do with “undue influence” and everything to do with “Democrats destroying a court they don’t agree with.”

“Let me be clear: If Democrats want to adopt an across the board ethics ban for all branches, I am in favor of that: no jets, no meals, no speaking honorariums, no gifts for anyone from anyone for any reason in any branch, starting with Congress. Until they support that, let’s all be honest about what this is: a campaign to destroy a court that they disagree with,” Leo said.

Biden claims he is introducing all of these ill-named “reforms” to “strengthen the guardrails of democracy.” In reality, it’s Biden, his de facto despot Harris, and Democrats who are responsible for the “increasing threats to America’s democratic institutions” (including the highest court in the land) by openly threatening SCOTUS justices over their recent decisions and promising to pack the bench.

During his 2024 State of the Union address, the 81-year-old bashed the court for undoing Democrats’ favorite 50-year-old and notoriously unconstitutional decision.

Democrat lawmakers have also attempted to intimidate the high bench into handing down more decisions that benefit their political agenda.

“President Biden’s proposal to radically overhaul the U.S. Supreme Court would tilt the balance of power and erode not only the rule of law, but the American people’s faith in our system of justice,” Speaker of the House Mike Johnson wrote on X on Monday. “This proposal is the logical conclusion to the Biden-Harris Administration and Congressional Democrats’ ongoing efforts to delegitimize the Supreme Court. Their calls to expand and pack the Court will soon resume.”

During his 2020 presidential run, Biden initially refused to admit his desire to pack the Supreme Court to favor Democrats. After mounting pressure from leftist activists desperate to retaliate against Trump’s effective court picks, however, he ditched his 1983-era hesitation and prioritized expanding the bench under the guise of so-called “court reform.”

Both Biden and his de facto despot Harris have expressed openness to packing the court with activist justices that they know would rule in favor of their corrupt and repeatedly unconstitutional regime.

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