

Monday, July 22, 2024

Bloodthirsty: Anybody notice how many public 'servants' sided with Trump's would-be assassin?

 These People are Sick!   TDS?

They're out there. I'm not talking about the mom's basement types who cheered the assassination attempt on President Trump, or Hollywood figures, who went nakedly frontal on the matter, or the media, which ran some disgusting headlines downplaying the crime. They're kind of predictable at this point.

What's striking are the number of people on the public payroll in various public offices openly coming out to side with Trump's would-be assassin, usually chiding him on his aim. These are the people who are first to tell you that they 'serve' the public, yet here we see them siding with a heinous criminal because their hatred of President Trump and his voters. 

Sound like people who should be in positions to, as they say, "serve"? How many are there of them? I found several, but there must be more of them, perhaps many more, given that these clowns got caught. They amazingly posted their homicidal views social media on an Internet that everyone knows is forever. Most have since tried to apologize their way out of it, but they already jumped the cliff like lemmings.

"I am a diehard Democrat" said Jacqueline Marsaw, field organizer for the office of Rep. Bennie Thompson, the rabid Democrat congressmember who led the charge to pull President Trump's Secret Service protection ahead of his lawfare trial in the event he was convicted of a bookkeeping violation, according to the New York Post.

Marsaw tweeted, and then deleted, this:

She was more of a paid activist on the taxpayer payroll drawing an inflated salary, which is plenty objectionable.

That she worked for Thompson, whose only noticeable act in Congress was this:

...suggests one heck of a murderous atmosphere in that Congressional office. They're both on the public payroll, in one way or another calling for murder against an elected president. Something is wrong with this picture.

But there have been others in positions of actual public trust who have done the same, which is even more disturbing.

Such as Dallas police officer Sgt. Arturo Martinez, who wrote on his Instagram that the assassin-wannabe needed to "aim better."

And these charmers from Pennsylvania, according to Firehouse:

A second Pennsylvania fire officer has resigned after controversical social media posts about the attempted assassination of former President Trump.

Prospect Park Fire Chief Jim Simmonds apologized that his actions "as an individual" caused the fire department and borough to be cast in a bad light. 

After Simmonds posted, "A little to the right next time please," he was met be instant backlash, according to WPVI. 

Simmonds also resigned as the borough's fire marshal. 

Borough leaders said they spoke with Simmonds on Sunday, "expressing disdain and extreme concern that such a grossly inappropriate comment was not representative of the government of the Borough of Prospect Park nor of its citizens."

... and ...

Also on Monday, Americus Hose Company Capt. Tony Bendele stepped down after his Tweet about the assassination attempt led to hundreds of calls to the fire department and town officials.

The man who was killed in the assassination attempt on President Trump was a fellow Pennsylvania firefighter. So much for the brotherhood of firefighters.

Sound like good men to have if you get robbed or your house catches fire, or you're a firefighter in need of backup?

Meanwhile, in the county that houses Scranton, they had this one, a taxpayer-paid "Community Relations Manager" who got off relatively easily:

Lackawanna County commissioners indefinitely suspended a county official without pay over an "inappropriate" social media post he made about the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump.

In a since-deleted post Saturday evening on the social media platform X, formerly Twitter, county Community Relations Manager Rick Notari wrote: "It's a shame the guy missed." The offending post was a reply to a post sports commentator Rich Eisen made about the shooting.

Notari, an Old Forge borough councilman who's worked for the county since March 2012 and earns an annual salary of $54,308 in that capacity, is on indefinite unpaid suspension as a result of his post.

That's some guy you want promoting good community relations, quite a public relations guy for the county, given Pennsylvania's swing towards President Trump.

There also was one in Los Angeles, whose case I cannot locate as of this writing, public official with a big salary and tremendous power, tweeting away something about how he wished the assassin had gotten President Trump.

Meanwhle, this one wasn't calling for murder, but he certainly was nasty:

Civility? He's not upset at the attempted murder, just the sympathy that came after for the victims.

It's as if the assassination attempt was a sprayed can of Raid and the bugs crawled out of their woodwork to show themselves.

Obviously, these were the stupid ones, the low-hanging fruit, the idiots who couldn't control themselves or their hatred of President Trump, the ones who forgot that social media was forever and who were so sure everyone reading their posts would be in agreement to them and give them 'attaboys' they didn't realize that there was anything disgusting about what they were doing. They weren't the deep-state which operates in much slyer and more lethal ways, or the politicians, who often pop off. They were sworn civil servants and similar people in positions of supposedly neutral professionalism and public trust.

They also don't have anything resembling a public service mentality, an idea that they are to serve the public regardless of their political orientation, or the idea that they are to respect the law, which prohibits murder. They liked the murder part on a political opponent.

They are so unfit for public office they all need to be hosed out immediately. How many more of them are there? And what kind of office-politics political culture is going on in these outfits that these losers could feel confident enough to tweet out their death-wish fantasies on other in all contravention to rules of law and human decency?


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