

Saturday, July 27, 2024

GLOVES OFF: Trump Campaign Releases Brutal Ad Blasting Soft-On-Crime Kamala Harris (VIDEO)


Credit: @LaCivitaC

In 1988, supporters of then-Vice President George H.W. Bush released one of the most effective and devastating attack ads in American history. Now, the Trump campaign is following in their footsteps.

Liberal Massachusetts governor Michael Dukakis was leading Bush in the polls before Bush’s campaign unleashed the “Willie Horton” ad, which exposed Dukakis’s soft-on-crime record.

Horton was a convicted murderer who brutally ra*ed a woman and stabbed her partner while furloughed from prison under a Massachusetts program in place during Dukakis’s time as governor.

In the ad, a narrator lists Horton’s crimes while pictures of Bush and Dukakis and Horton’s mugshot flash across the screen. The narrator also states that Bush supports the death penalty for murderers, and Dukakis does not.

“Dukakis not only opposes the death penalty, he allowed first-degree murderers to have weekend passes from prison,” the narrator notes.

The ad concludes with this message: “Weekend prison passes, Dukakis on crime.”

Chris LaCivita, the Trump campaign’s co-manager, released an advertisement targeting Harris’s awful record on crime.

The ad opens with footage of the George Floyd riots in Minnesota during the Summer of 2020 and cuts to the infamous Harris tweet urging her followers to contribute to the Minnesota Freedom Fund. As The Gateway Pundit readers know, several dangerous criminals were freed from prison, including rapists and murderers, thanks to the millions raised by far-left Americans across the country.

The ad proceeds to show clips of criminals courtesy of Harris’s efforts. The bail money for each perp was well into the six-figure range.

One perp, Thomas Mosely, was bailed out by the Minnesota Freedom Fund twice.

“Soon all of America will know the price people have and will pay for ⁦@KamalaHarris dangerous ideas,” LaCivita wrote.


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