

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Biden has resigned from the campaign but not the presidency

 In an event unprecedented in American political history, the Democrats’ pressure campaign against the manifestly demented Joe Biden has worked. Via letter, Biden announced today that he is dropping out of the campaign, although he will remain in office.

This puts a new spin on the race because Kamala has historically been even less popular than Biden. What we can expect next is a battle to name a competent vice presidential candidate, a PR campaign to convince voters that they should ignore the Democrats’ years-long fraud, and (possibly) a debate about whether Biden can remain in office.

On June 27, Biden exposed to the world what we conservatives have long known: He has dementia. Beginning on June 28, the Democrats struggled to figure out what would be more harmful to the presidential race: a demented candidate or Kamala Harris.

Image: Joe Biden. YouTube screen grab.

Two weeks ago, the Obama camp, which is still the real power behind the Democrat party, used a proxy to let it be known that it wanted Biden out. By yesterday, the Obamaites were no longer being subtle. Rather than having proxies suggest that Biden drop out, their “leaks” (that is, covert press releases) let it be known that Obama himself wanted Biden to go.

Today, Biden finally yielded to the pressure and, in a first for a sitting president at this stage in an election, withdrew from the race:

After a couple of paragraphs about how wonderful he’s been as president, Biden gets to the nitty gritty:

...while it has been my intention to seek reelection, I believe it is in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down and to focus solely on fulfilling my duties as President for the remainder of my term.

Although the letter praises Kamala, Joe does not endorse her: “I want to thank Vice President Kamala Harris for being an extraordinary partner in all this work.” That was very telling. However, approximately an hour thirty minutes after releasing the letter, Biden finally did endorse Kamala.

Biden never explicitly says why he’s dropping out, offering only the vague statement that it would be in the “best interest” of winning the White House if he does. My prediction a few days ago was that he’d do exactly this—drop out but stay in office—although I thought he’d use COVID as the reason rather than just acknowledge that he’s going to lose:

We can expect to see a huge battle over who gets the vice president spot on the ticket. I’m betting that Gavin Newsom is weeping in his soup over the fact that, rather than vetoing the latest anti-parent, LGBTQ+ bill in California, he signed it last week.

But there’s something more important than political machinations. Will anyone on the Democrat side of the aisle question Biden’s continued fitness to hold office and demand that he be subject to the 25th Amendment?

It’s that last point that’s really the most important because it goes to the nature of politics in America today. Biden is, and has been since Day One, a figurehead. The Democrats have already acknowledged that he’s had dementia for years now.

The subtext is that, since January 2021, a faceless, unelected cabal has been carrying out the constitutional office of the presidency. For statists, this is fine. After all, once the dominant individual powers in the Soviet Union (e.g., Lenin and Stalin) died, the rest of the leaders were just figureheads for the commissariat doing the work behind the scenes. For everyone who is not an American Marxist, it should be horrifying that our government is controlled by unidentified, unelected people.

Ideally, what should happen is that all Americans rise up against the fraud that’s been committed against them. Those who perpetrated the fraud, whether in the government or the media, should be held criminally liable. However, as long as Merrick Garland heads the DOJ, that’s not going to happen. In the short term, the only way to address this problem is for Trump to win the biggest victory in American history.

Unfortunately, we know that’s not going to happen. America is no longer a country in which people have the same goals and are voting for the person they believe will most competently execute those goals. Instead, we are in a (thankfully) bloodless civil war (so far) that pits two entirely different visions of America against each other.

On the one hand, there is a constitutional vision. It revolves around individual liberty complete with small government, a strong foreign policy, a sovereign border, and a belief in the Judeo-Christian principles that always bound Americans together. (And you don’t need to believe in God or the Bible to value those principles, especially the Ten Commandments.)

On the other hand, there is a Marxist vision. It revolves around an all-encompassing government, a minor American role on the world stage, a non-existent border, and a belief in cultural Marxism, which works to destroy every vestige of the traditional Western world.

In the coming election, Americans who have been paying attention aren’t voting for a candidate; they’re voting for a worldview. And we who support the constitution worldview have only three-and-a-half months to convince those who haven’t been paying attention that ours is the view that will ensure our nation’s continued prosperity and happiness and that the Democrat worldview is a one-way ticket to America failing as surely as Venezuela, Sri Lanka, and Zimbabwe have.




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