

Thursday, July 25, 2024

How far will the left go to eliminate Trump?

 During the next few months, as Donald Trump’s poll numbers grow, many Americans, me included, will be on edge as we pray that he lives long enough to win the election in November.

Everything that Trump said about the corruption in the Deep State has come to fruition.  They used flimsy evidence and tyrannical methods to imprison his supporters, including many of his top-level staff members and attorneys.  Not only did they charge the former president with accounting misdemeanors that had expired under the statutory limitations’ laws, but they upgraded them to felonies.  He was kept off the campaign trail for several months, forced to sit in courtrooms defending himself from bogus accusations.  With the American people watching the trials on television, the Biden administration was hoping the public would be indoctrinated to believe that Trump was a criminal.

Then, with a New York leftist for a prosecutor and a jury of Trump-haters, they got what they wanted when he was found guilty of 34 felonies.  As fast as you could say “kangaroo court,” Biden was blasting his opponent as a felon who didn’t deserve to be a candidate for president.  There’s an appalling irony in the fact that Biden has been shown to be a crook who has used his political influence to enrich himself and his family by making shady deals with countries that hate the U.S.  Moreover, there’s a mountain of evidence that his son Hunter is as corrupt as he is.  The good news, for all who see through those fabricated lies, is that Trump’s poll numbers increased each time the Biden apparatchiks tried to keep him off the ballot.

Meanwhile, the decent, honest majority of the country has been watching the vicious duplicity being used by an administration that has become hostage to a far-left group of militant radicals.  The “Squad” don’t even pretend to have any loyalty to the country that feeds, clothes, and houses their worthless butts!  Furthermore, the despicable mainstream media are more than an accomplice to those America-haters; they are leading the charge to destroy the man who exposed their perfidious betrayal of journalistic ethics.  I’m certain that I’m not the only Trump-supporter who’s been wondering how much further they will go in their attempts to stop him.

Even as I dared to imagine they’d go so far as an assassination attempt, I can’t help thinking that the Butler, Pennsylvania shooting has Deep State fingerprints on it.  Throughout this continuous assault on principles once held dear, like fairness, honesty, and justice, we’ve come to realize that Trump was right about the sinister régime, operating independently and invulnerably within the government.  When Senate majority leader Charles Schumer was interviewed on Rachel Maddow’s show, and the question came up about Trump’s suspicion of the Deep State, Schumer said, “Let me tell you, you take on the Intelligence Community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you.”  Why would the most powerful leader of the most powerful legislative body in the world make such a comment?  Was he hinting at the possibility of an assassination if Trump didn’t back off?

One thing has become clear: everything the left has thrown at the former president has failed to stop his march toward a second term in the White House.  Nevertheless, we must keep in mind that these people are insanely desperate to stop the man who will dismantle their plans to bring our country to its knees.

This struggle is far from over.  The closer we get to putting a patriot back in the role of chief executive, the more desperate his enemies will become.  How many of them are having nightmares about spending a few decades in an orange jumpsuit?  Would that morbid fear cause them to try another hit?  Rats will chew off their own legs to get out of a trap.  It’s not beyond the realm of imagination that a Plan B might put another sniper on a roof.

Let’s suppose they were successful next time, and the leader of this anti-corruption movement were taken from us.  What could we do about it?  Would riots break out across the country?  Would stores and banks be looted and burned?  Would innocent people be shot down in the streets?  Those are the tactics of the left when they face real or imagined tragedies.  However, the right tends to be more civil and reasonable.  Right-leaning people are not likely to destroy their own neighborhoods out of frustration with the current system.

With that in mind, what’s to stop a sinister network of clandestine operatives from plotting the unthinkable?  If the hand of God diverted that first bullet, we can only pray that divine intervention is prepared for a rerun.






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