

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Congress Must Appoint An Independent Investigator For The Assassination Attempt

 Currently, Congress seems content to allow the FBI to investigate what happened in Butler, Pennsylvania, on July 13. This is the wrong approach. Because the government has an incentive to hide its own failures, when it comes to the attempt to assassinate Trump, especially given the U.S. Secret Service’s known failures, the must be an independent investigation.

During my career, I worked several times with the United States Secret Service (“USSS”) on protective details when presidents and candidates came to our city. I believe the attempt to assassinate former President Trump was a horrific, epic failure, to say the least, with preplanning, communication failures, resource skimping, and more (See Sen. Hawley’s onsite report and letter to DHS). The assassin flew a surveillance drone over the site!

I assume the USSS is lining up scapegoats. (Cheatle’s resignation counts as the first sacrificial lamb.) The agencies involved will gloss over or ignore the root causes and the domestic and foreign operators, including the Biden administration and others, that may be involved in what happened in Butler.

Investigating the investigators, made using a photograph by Tim EvansonCC BY-SA 2.0.

I strongly advise the House not to rely on any Executive Branch investigations, whether by the Office of the President, the DOJ, DHS, FBI, CIA, DHS, or others. These agencies will slow-roll any requests for information, as we’ve already witnessed firsthand (e.g., the Biden interview tape), under the guise of national security, either to cover for criminality or gross ineptitude. This investigation must be thorough, complete, and expeditious. Because of exigent national security concerns, this investigation must be carried out quickly.

This is especially true because the assassination attempt against President Trump is only the tip of the iceberg. I believe that there is an extensive and ongoing RICO conspiracy from inside and outside of our government that must be crushed. Unfortunately, those agencies that once would have been responsible for addressing this problem have been compromised or corrupted.

The Biden administration, DOJ, FBI, and CIA lied regarding the validity of Hunter Biden’s laptop. Subsequent polling showed that this action directly affected the results of the 2020 election. The FBI has also stonewalled releasing the laptop belonging to Seth Rich. The FBI has ignored two court orders for its release from a federal court under a FOIA suit for reasons that seemingly defy common sense.

Seth Rich was murdered in D.C. before the 2016 election. Instantly, the alphabet agencies and the media instantly dismissed as a conspiracy theory all claims that the government was involved. Given the FBI’s track record of late, I would demand that the FBI cough up this laptop. “What the hell is on Seth’s computer? The right of the people to know far outweighs the DOJ’s and FBI’s right to withhold this information from the voters before the 2024 election.” As the plaintiff’s counsel in the case seeking those records argued:

After more than six years of delays and denials, it is time for the FBI to come clean. A Presidential election is fast approaching, and voters have the right to know (1) whether the FBI knowingly framed one of the frontrunners, i.e., former President Trump, and (2) whether the FBI is still trying to cover up its partisan political activities.

As a criminal investigator, I would not give any credibility to statements from agency employees who have not been held accountable for their previous lies. Outside investigators should be engaged to conduct this investigation, preferably with law enforcement status or special appointment (deputized by the US Marshal Service). Based on probable cause, they can apply for search warrants to seize evidence.

Was the assassin just lucky because of the lax protection operation, or was he assisted and groomed by some entity? I would leave no stone unturned to confirm whether the assassin is a lone wolf. With my research into the DOJ’s and FBI’s previous actions in securing the FISA warrants, the FBI entrapment in the Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping case and J6 Insurrection that wasn’t, the raid on Mar-a-Lago, and other dog and pony SWAT raids, nothing surprises me anymore.

From my research and reporting my professional opinion is that what we’ve seen and are seeing an ongoing RICO criminal conspiracy to unseat a duly elected President and to prevent his reelection. This conspiracy was aided and abetted by both enemies, foreign (China, Russia, Ukraine, and Iran) and domestic (politicians, the media, and the federal bureaucracy). The conspirators include the Biden and Obama administrations and many members of the administrative state. In particular, the DOJ, FBI, DHS, and the CIA have gone rogue and “full Stasi” to support the Biden and Obama Administrations. This conspiracy extends as far back as the raid on Benghazi. (See, also, my article archive).

Why would our own people do this?

The conspirators acted to preserve their political power and to siphon public funds into their pockets through fraud, money laundering, and other crimes. The conspirators are compromised by domestic and foreign entities that seek to undermine the Constitution of the United States. The Biden crime family has taken money from China’s CCP in exchange for favorable U.S. foreign policies. Two of these Biden policies aided or abetted the CCP to commit acts of war against the U.S.

One act to aid and abet the Chinese is Biden’s ongoing lack of action against the Chinese for their deliberately or accidentally releasing COVID-19, a bioweapon, and then concealing it from the world that resulted in millions of deaths.

The second pro-Chinese act is Biden’s de facto open border policy. It allows Chinese government operatives to send fentanyl precursors to Mexican drug cartels, who in turn manufacture the finished product and distribute it throughout the U.S., causing over one hundred thousand overdose deaths per year. In other words, it’s a chemical WMD. To add insult to injury, these cartels launder their profits back through Chinese financial channels while the U.S. turns a blind eye.

If not stopped, the United States will descend into a totalitarian dictatorship or banana republic adverse to the rights of We of the People under the Constitution of the United States.



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