

Saturday, July 27, 2024

To save the planet, Bill Gates declares war on butter

Bill Gates turns me the wrong way like he is Nuts or power hungry with his money?
With the number of humans on this earth compared to cows who produces more gas? The Idiots at the WEF want to thin out the human population?

Bill Gates claims he can change the climate by getting rid of cows. 

According to ZeroHedge:

Domestic terrorists, we know, like to cling bitterly to conspiracy theories — like that butter comes from cows.

Bill Gates has corrective ideas, which is why the saintly philanthropist is rolling out his very own patented “dairy-free alternative taste” “butter” for the masses — at a hefty premium, of course; after all, starving billionaire philanthropists have to eat.

Via The Guardian (emphasis added):

“Butter made from air instead of cows? A California-based startup claims to have worked out a complex process that eliminates the need for the animals while making its dairy-free alternative taste just as good.

Savor, backed by the Microsoft billionaire Bill Gates, has been experimenting with creating dairy-free alternatives to ice-cream, cheese, and milk by utilising a thermochemical process that allows it to build fat molecules, creating chains of carbon dioxide, hydrogen and oxygen. The company has now announced a new animal-free butter alternative.

Reducing meat and dairy consumption is one of the key ways that humanity can reduce its environmental impact, as livestock production is a significant source of greenhouse gases, and Savor says its products will have a significantly lower carbon footprint than animal-based ones. The “butter” could potentially come in at less than 0.8g CO2 equivalent per calorie. The standard climate footprint of real unsalted butter with 80% fat is approximately 2.4g CO2 equivalent per calorie.”

Non-scientist college dropout who made his fortune ripping off the works of more talented software entrepreneurs and breaking numerous federal laws with impunity, Bill Gates, wants to assure the peasants that his frankenbutter is “chemically” real butter

He's got it all figured out: Get rid of the cows and all their butter and the planet will heal.

It's as stupid an idea as anything a leftist can cook up.

Dietitions warn about ultra-processed plant-based foods as leading to early deaths. Maybe a few questions can be asked about this strange new butter-food product he's touting.

Meanwhile, if we get rid of cows, the climate will not change because cows never had any impact on the climate in the first place. 

Gates will probably also pretend that the factories that produce this processed substitute for butter he's touting will be carbon zero. 

Of course billionaires also pretend that their mansions, jets, and yachts reduce their carbon footprint to zero by purchasing worthless pieces of paper called carbon credits. Their carbon footprint actually stays exactly the same. 

They also pretend that all the power they need for AI, the cloud, electric cars and trucks, and all our other power needs can be covered by unreliable sources like wind and solar. 

Then they pretend that electric cars, flammable Lithium, wind turbines, solar panels can be mined, produced, transported, and installed without the benefit of using reliable oil.

These billionaires show that they don't give a damn about the poor and middle class as they seek to destroy reasonably priced and reliable energy. 

What they never tell you when they try to impose their radical policies on the people is how much all this stuff will cost and how much they would supposedly change temperature, sea levels and storm activity. And while Gates has not hidden his stake in the new butter-food product, some don't say whether they have some kind of stake in these loopy, inferior, food substitutes.

The bottom line is that none of this stuff will change temperatures or the climate at all because there is zero scientific data that links our use of oil, coal, and natural gas to the temperature or any other climate component in the first place. The climate has always changed cyclically and naturally and always will. This is all about power and greed for the government and the rich.

It is a true shame that self-righteous billionaires like Gates are ever listened to because they would rather keep the world's poor and starving poor and starving than letting them have the benefits they have had from using natural resources. 

It is an absolute disgrace that most of the media just repeats what they are told about climate change to scare the public into capitulation instead of asking questions and doing research. That make them worthless. 

The media will tell the public the facts on climate change in the exact same way as they tell the public the truth about Kamala's radical record. They will scrub the truth because all they care about is having Democrats in power no matter how destructive they are.


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