

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Democrats bash Israel for striking the people who killed 12 Druze children

 I heard this today on the "Real News".  Israel is attacked and people killed and they are supposed to just let it happen?  They can all go f6ck themselves.  They have a right to respond, period!

Four days ago, Hezbollah, an Iranian proxy, slaughtered 12 Druze children playing on a soccer field. Israel has just responded with a carefully targeted strike against two (and possibly three) of the masterminds behind those killings. The world should be celebrating Israel for her accuracy, delicacy, and power. Instead, the world, including the Democrat party, is castigating Israel for daring to respond lest she upset Iran, a terrorist nation. The moral inversion of today’s world, including today’s Democrat party, is truly disgusting.

So far, as a response to the murder of her Druze (that is, non-Jewish, Arab) citizens, Israel has killed Hamas's Ismail Haniyeh, Amir Ali Hajizadeh, and Fouad Shukr, all of whom were behind Hezbollah’s continuous year-long barrage of rocket strikes against Israel or Hamas's warfare, and all of whom generally have been active in terrorism against Americans, Europeans, Jews, Muslims, Christians, and many others.

Image: The smoke from Israel’s strike on Shukr. X screen grab.

Haniyeh’s death was especially striking because Israel nailed him in Tehran itself, not long after he had participated in a “Death to Israel” and “Death to America” rally:

The strike was so carefully calibrated that the rocket actually went into the room that Haniyeh was occupying.

Following October 7, Haniyah not only celebrated the slaughter of 1,200 civilians but also celebrated those Palestinians who served as human shields for Hamas, helping to inflate the mortality numbers to the benefit of Hamas’s PR efforts against Israel:

It’s to be hoped that Israel’s ability to target him in the heart of Iran has the Mullahs shaking in their shoes.

Israel caught up with Shukr, Hezbollah’s Chief of Staff in Beirut.

It’s actually shocking that he was only taken out now because he should have been an American target forty years ago. As even the New York Times was forced to acknowledge, Shukr was one of the people behind the 1983 Beirut bombing. That bombing, which we older Americans remember well, killed 241 American and 58 French military personnel.

Israel also allegedly nailed Ali Hajizadeh in Damascus today. He was a high-level target because he was the Commander of the IRGC Aerospace Forces. Because Hezbollah and Iran are one and the same, a Hezbollah strike is an Iran strike, so Iran’s commanders are in the crosshairs, no matter where they are:

Interestingly, although Iran initially acknowledged Ali Hajizadeh’s death, it now seems to have backed off. Perhaps the acknowledgment was an error. It’s just as likely, though, that Iran is afraid of putting itself in a position where it must get into a hot war with Israel because it knows that, once that happens, Israel’s gloves are off.

Each of the men Israel killed (or may have killed) was someone who was bathed in the blood of innocents. Each actively slaughtered non-Muslims, and each reveled in the deaths of Muslim civilians who could be used as PR ammunition in the war against Israel. The world is better without them. And in each case, Israel, as is her wont, did not indiscriminately kill civilians when she destroyed these legitimate military targets.

But does the world care? No. From the moment Hezbollah killed those Jewish children, Biden’s antisemitic administration, along with Europe’s Vichy leaders, instantly urged Israel to show “restraint”:

U.S. and international officials are urging both Israel and Hezbollah to exercise restraint and avoid embarking on a devastating, regional war, after a rocket strike from the Iranian-backed group killed a dozen young people on a soccer field in northern Israel.


And the White House came out Monday saying Israel has a right to defend itself, while calling for diplomacy to calm tensions on both sides.

“Israel seems poised to conduct a pretty punishing strike against Hezbollah,” said Brian Katulis, senior fellow for U.S. foreign policy at the Middle East Institute. 

“I think what the White House may be hoping for in its public messaging and what it’s doing privately is similar to the Goldilocks response … not too hard to cause a broad regional war, not too soft to have no impact at all. But something that’s just somewhere in between,” he continued.

The Democrat media echoed that message:

As noted, Israel did show restraint. While it would have been satisfying for Israel to drop a bunker buster on Iran’s parliament when all of the Mullahs were present for the ceremony that was to be Haniyeh’s last, she didn’t. And while it would be great were she to blast into smithereens Hezbollah’s encampments in southern Lebanon, she didn’t. Instead, Israel confined herself to two (possibly three) carefully targeted strikes.

And what does Israel get in response? The usual fear from leftist outlets (including Democrat mouthpieces) that she might have made Iran angry:

The Wall Street Journal’s coverage was especially disgusting because it paired its news main coverage with another story identifying Haniyeh, not as a bloodthirsty killer, but as a peace advocate: “Strike Kills Hamas’s Leading Advocate for a Gaza Cease-Fire.” This is your reminder that, if you thought the Wall Street Journal was a conservative outlet, your ideas are outdated. Like all other American media, reporters at the WSJ come from “journalism” schools, and all those schools are leftist indoctrination centers. Someone with actual knowledge would understand that someone like Haniyeh wants a ceasefire only when his side is losing so that he has time to regroup. 

I had a friend whose partner constantly subjected her to vicious verbal abuse. When she managed to drag him to couples counseling, he explained to the therapist that he was there because he hoped the therapist could fix the problem. And what was the problem? It wasn’t that he abused her, which he admitted because, according to him, he only spoke the truth. The problem was that she challenged the abuse. Were she to remain silent, all would be peaceful.

That’s the situation the world, including America, wishes for Israel. To keep the peace, she should just suck up the escalating number of murderous attacks on her citizens. The problem isn’t that Iran and its proxies are murdering Jews, it’s that the Jews dare to fight back.

I actually expect no less from Europe. For years, Europe made clear that it had never forgiven the Jews for Auschwitz—that is, for revealing the bestial savagery that lived behind the beautiful art and architecture that makes Europe a tourist destination. Then, Europeans replenished that antisemitic savagery with an influx of people who actually hate the Jews more, and in a more violent way, than even the Nazis and their European proxies did.

But what continuously amazes me is America. Since Israel’s founding, we have had administrations that were more or less pro-Israel—and I should add that no administration has ever been more pro-Israel than Donald Trump’s was. However, with the Harris-Biden administration, for the first time, we have a presidency that is both actively and passively hostile to the world’s only, very tiny, very beleaguered Jewish state, one that is an official US ally and has long been a US friend.

And that truly sickens me.


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