

Thursday, July 18, 2024

The Democrats’ Jihad against Donald Trump

 A bullet hit a United States president for the first time in 43 years.  They say it was a failed assassination attempt because the bullet did not kill Donald Trump.  That is true, but we should not forget that, at the same time, Biden’s political career was killed outright.  In fact, this inaccurate shot may be the beginning of the end of the Democrat party in its present form.  If this happens, it will lead to a long-term inactivation of most leftist movements in America.

Biden had a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to alter the path of his decline into oblivion.  Nevertheless, he spoke 100 minutes after the failed assassination.  The whole world saw the footage of what happened and expected the White House to react in 10 minutes, not 100.

Many hoped Biden would finally apologize for years of lies that Trump is a modern-day Hitler and a threat to democracy.  Biden could announce the end of Trump’s political persecution.  Instead, there was another embarrassing speech by an ersatz president who tried to cling to power with his quivering hands.

In an intellectual dispute, the lack of arguments manifests in one party insulting the other.  In a political altercation, the dearth of reasoning ends in insults, bullets, dagger blows, or something similar.  Decades ago, leftists moved beyond civilized debate and the exchange of respectable ideas.  Even intraspecific discussions of the left quickly slide into mundane abuse, bizarre insults, and accusations of ignoring (or ignorance of) the latest DNC guidelines.

For decades, the left has attempted to normalize what has always been considered abnormal in developed countries: violence against political opponents.

Therefore, it is pretty natural that leftist airwaves were overwhelmed by a wave of regrets and lamentations, sorrows that the sniper missed, and complaining that the front sight was knocked off and, therefore, the assassin could not aim correctly.  There is a fervent craving for the next political targeted attack to achieve its desired outcome.  This chorus includes university professors, journalists, politicians, and Hollywood stars.  Many people honestly admit that it was the worst day of their lives because they did not witness Trump being assassinated.

Three months ago, Democrats proposed legislation that would strip former presidents of Secret Service protection in the event of “conviction of a federal crime.”  It is clear that this law was needed to leave Trump without protection.  Recall that the State Department’s diplomatic service demanded increased security to protect the United States ambassador to Libya, Chris Stevens.  The inaction of then–secretary of state Hillary Clinton preceded the death of the ambassador and four American citizens.  In line with unverified and unofficial reports, the Trump campaign has repeatedly requested the Secret Service to increase the number of Trump bodyguards.  However, the Secret Service has refused this request each time.

The 20-year-old assassin was registered as a Republican, which led some commentators to shift the needle from Democrats to Republicans.  They promote the idea that this is just an internal party squabble.  However, that is incorrect.  Let us recall that the assassin was from Pennsylvania.  Here, the Democrats endeavored to crush Trump at the primaries stage.  However, the problem was that Pennsylvania primaries were closed; only Republicans could participate in Republican primaries.  Then the Democrats issued a cry: Democrats need to abandon the party and re-register as Republicans to vote against Trump in the Republican primaries.  Hence, the sniper was registered as a Republican, although he solely donated to left-wing organizations.  Unfortunately, many observers, especially from other countries, do not know such details of the political struggle in America and draw far-reaching but fundamentally incorrect conclusions.

There is a direct cause-and-effect relationship between the anti-Trump hysteria in the disinformation media and the assassination attempt.

Democrats’ desperate efforts to replace Biden stalled immediately after Trump’s assassination attempt.  The next day, the Biden campaign slashed campaign activity, including withdrawing all television advertising in six battleground states.  The mood among Biden’s staff is by no means combative.  Among them, there is an opinion (entirely justified) that “it is over.”  In the words of one senior Democrat, “we have all resigned ourselves to a second Trump presidency.”

The truth is, nothing will help Democrats at this moment.

Now, if the famous leftists of the past suddenly resurrected and took Biden’s place, he would still lose to Trump.  Napoleon would lose with his artillery fire control system, Stalin would lose with his terror, and Hitler would lose with his anti-Semitic eloquence.

The jihad against Trump has been carrying on for eight years, and the word “jihad” is not a catchphrase here.  The left has long, since the Soviet Union era, joined forces with Islamists and even adopted some of their tactics.  However, Trump turned out to be too much for them.  As the Scottish philosopher Thomas Carlyle said in 1841, “no sadder proof can be given by a man of his own littleness than disbelief in great men.”  Trump has long left the “ordinary American” category and is now noticeably closer to the definition of “great.”

In retrospect, the evolution of jihad against Trump occurred quite smoothly and predictably, from less bloody to more bloody methods.  Reflect on excommunication from social networks; the shameful Russian hoax; two impeachments; criminal charges; and, ultimately, an attempted murder.

As it is known, being under gunfire always reveals a person’s essence.  No one knows in advance what a man’s reaction will be to the fact that projectiles whistle over his head until that moment comes.  The assassination ultimately revealed President Trump’s character to those who have yet to comprehend it.

Trump’s future is guaranteed if everything remains as it is until November 5, 2024.  In this case, the United States will pass this point of political bifurcation with dignity.  Americans are asking just one question: will the scar be visible on Mount Rushmore?







I think this clown is a pussy to take on Trump Supporters


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