

Thursday, July 18, 2024

WAYNE ROOT: Nobody Can Be This Dumb. Not Even DEI Hires are This Dumb. Something Smells Rotten at The Secret Service


This YouTube screen shot shows Secret Service director Kim Cheatle during an interview.
This YouTube screen shot shows Secret Service director Kim Cheatle during an interview. (WQAD News 8 / YouTube Screen Shot)

By Wayne Allyn Root

I’ve always known many government employees are dumb as a box of rocks. They couldn’t last a week in the private sector. That’s why they look for the safety of government jobs- where you can be completely 100% incompetent for 20+ years and keep your job.

Exhibit A is Kamala Harris. She is even dumber than her boss Joe Biden. But he has dementia. What’s her excuse? She is just plain dumb as a doorknob.

Kamala has gotten a government paycheck her entire life based on being a woman, and black, and having affairs with powerful men. And it worked- she rose to Vice President of the United States despite being completely incompetent. Now she’s literally a heartbeat away from the Presidency.

Kamala is the “Great Replacement Theory” for Joe Biden.


But she is far from alone. In this administration we find many DEI hires who are completely incompetent, mixed with arrogance and entitlement. See Mayor Pete, Rachel Levine and Sam Britton. I’m sure there are thousands more hidden in government offices and cubicles.

But now we get to a special case: Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle.

Is she just another incompetent government DEI hire? Well in a word…YES. But it’s more than that. Because no one is this dumb. Not even Kamala is as dumb and clueless as Cheatle appears to be.


When it’s this obvious, it’s a scam.

Look at the storyline of the Trump almost-assassination. It’s just impossible anyone, or even any government employee, or even any government agency, could be this stupid, careless, reckless and incompetent.

The assassin walked around for over an hour as a “person of interest.” And no one did anything.


He had a golf range finder in his hand. And no one did anything.

He was spotted with a rifle and a backpack. But still, no one did anything.

He was carrying a ladder and climbing onto a roof. And no one did anything.

The roof he used to try to murder President Trump had a perfect, clear sightline to the target. The Secret Service never thought to secure that roof.

Trump rally attendees were screaming at police and pointing to the assassin on the roof- and still, no one did anything.

While the assassin was climbing onto the roof and sitting on the roof for 30 minutes, a sniper team was inside the building, right under the assassin.

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A Secret Service sniper on a roof next to President Trump was looking right at “the threat” in his gun scope, but waited until the assassin fired at President Trump’s head to fire upon the assassin. Wouldn’t you say that’s a little too late?

The Secret Service now admits they were aware of an assassination threat for 10 minutes before Trump took the stage. So why did they allow him to take the stage?

The Secret Service Director Cheatle actually gave the worst excuse for not securing that roof since “the dog ate my homework”- she actually said out loud that the roof was sloped, so she didn’t want to put Secret Service agents in danger.

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Is it possible she is that dumb?

The Secret Service had no drones overhead to identify threats to President Trump?

Team Trump had requested more manpower to protect President Trump on multiple occasions. The Secret Service Director rejected all of those requests.

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The former and future President of the United States was not given a “full protection package.” Think about that.

At the same exact time as Trump’s event, First Lady Jill Biden decided to add a last-minute event in the same state. So, it just so happened that even more manpower was diverted away from President Trump. And several of Trump’s regular agents were re-deployed to the First Lady’s event- leaving Trump with inexperienced newcomers.

I have first-hand knowledge that Trump’s event was long planned. Because I personally invited President Trump to speak on Saturday July 13th at the FreedomFest Conference in Las Vegas. His staff politely turned me down because they reported President Trump already had an event planned for that day in Butler, Pennsylvania. I knew that a month ahead of time. I have that letter in writing from President Trump’s top staff.

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So, why was a last-minute new event added to Jill Biden’s schedule- at the exact same time as Trump’s long planned event? That’s highly unusual.

All of this happened against the backdrop of the Secret Service knowing there was a legitimate Iranian terrorist threat against President Trump. So, why leave Trump with a smaller and less experienced protection team?

I know Kimberly Cheatle was a DEI hire. As a matter of fact, guess what story is missing in the media? I haven’t seen a word about this. On May 20th Bloomberg News ran a story about the highly unusual situation of a petition signed openly by many members of the Secret Service demanding Kimberly Cheatle be fired because she is obsessed with DEI, and therefore putting lives at risk.

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That was less than 60 days before President Trump came ¼ inch away from death.

Why is the media ignoring this story?

This is either the case of the worst government DEI incompetence, recklessness, carelessness and stupidity in history.

Or much worse. This was a conspiracy at the highest levels to have President Trump purposely left unprotected, so that an assassin could easily carry out his job.

Or maybe a combination of both.

But thank God a miracle happened that changed the course of history. God intervened and moved Trump’s head at the last second.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Watch Wayne’s new TV Show, “The ROOT Reaction” weeknights at 10 PM ET/7 PM Pacific on Real America’s Voice TV, and Wayne’s weekend “America’s Top Ten Countdown” on Saturdays at Noon ET/9 AM PT on Real America’s Voice TV. Watch at RealAmericasVoice.com, or at Rumble, Roku, Pluto, Apple, Dish TV Ch 219, or go to RootforAmerica.com to watch.


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