

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Left-Wing Media Only Rushed to Report on Biden's Cognitive Decline When It Exposed Their Culpability

 In this episode of Try to Control Your Shock and Amazement...

From at least the beginning of the 2020 presidential election campaign, it was apparent to the objective among us that "Basement Joe" Biden was not the Joe Biden of old with respect to his cognitive capacity.

The Biden campaign denied it, and the liberal media rushed to back the claim.

In the subsequent months, now years, it became more and more obvious that Biden's mental decline had not only continued; it had accelerated. Yet still, the liberal media lapdogs continued to fly wingman for the continually lying administration without question.

SEE ALSOMedia Whiplash: Press Veers From Intense Curiosity About Trump's Health to Abject Apathy Over Biden's

Then, June 27, 2024, happened. The presidential debate exposed to the world that the president of the United States was indeed cognitively gone. Oops, liberal media, now what? 

The "now what?" was the media rushing to cover itself. 

The ruse was over. Joe Biden instantly became a dead man walking, while left-wing "journalists" frantically rushed to throw the 81-year-old dude under the bus as fast as they could. Within 24 hours, we learned that disposing of addled old Joe was just the necessary first step of the Democrat plan.


Democrats Rally Behind Kamala Harris As Biden Bows Out

The Media's Rewriting of Kamala Harris's History on the Border Has Begun


The liberal media went into full-blown "The king is 'dead,' long live the queen!" mode as it rushed to sing the praises of Kamala Harris as the Democrat Party's newly-anointed presumptive presidential nominee, as if to sweep their years of lies about Biden being "sharp as a tack" under the rug. 

Zero votes, zero earned delegates. In other words, "democracy," Democrat Party style.

Ellie Gardey Holmes, Associate Editor at The American Spectator, put it this way:

What stands out most is what is unspoken. Virtually no mainstream media outlets are questioning whether the cognitive decline they have reported on so furiously in recent weeks impairs Biden’s ability to lead the country. The media only cared to report on Biden’s mental decline when it threatened the Left’s continuance in power. Now that the threat is neutralized, it’s all in the past.

If the media doesn’t change its approach to covering Biden’s cognitive decline — and fast — the shift in narrative will give the public a whiplash that will further diminish trust in journalism. And it will leave the country exposed to the threats that will inevitably arise from having a president who has lost it.


With due respect, Ms. Holmes doesn't get part of what she wrote.

The liberal media don't give a damn about "trust in journalism." They don't care what the objective among us think about them or what they write — or spew. What they very much care about is pushing the left-wing narrative of the day, believing it's their solemn duty to convince as many low-information voters as they can that whatever that narrative is, it's true.

But in this case, after their "emperor's new clothes," "don't believe you lying eyes" charade blew up in their faces and was exposed to the world on June 27, what the left-wing media most care about now is trying to cover their butts.





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