

Monday, July 22, 2024

INGRASSIA: Kamala Harris Helped Defraud The Republican Party And America By Covering Up Joe Biden’s Senility And Health Woes

Kamala Harris has been an active participant in a conspiracy to cover up Joe Biden’s health maladies for years, which came to a head on Sunday with a shocking resignation letter that was posted on X (formerly known as Twitter), where Biden declared that he would not seek re-election.  The letter all but vindicates criticisms that anyone with eyes to see have been making about Biden’s health effectively since the day he took office.

Despite the White House’s adamant insistence to the contrary, Biden is clearly unfit to serve in his office.  That fact became obvious to the non-conservative world (at least, that is what they pretended) in the aftermath of his disastrous debate performance in late June, which showcased a broken-down president stuttering and stammering over words, and frequently drifting off into incoherence.  The public appearances he has made since that day has done nothing to reassure voters that the Oval Office incumbent is “a very bold and vibrant president,” as Kamala Harris, Biden’s would-be successor, declared on Good Morning America just a few short months ago.

Of course, Harris was engaging in egregious doublespeak – if the descriptors “bold” and “vibrant” ever applied to Biden, they have not applied to him in years.  This has been readily apparent to the world for a long time now, despite the White House’s strident efforts to keep Biden out of public view as much as possible.  Harris, who presumably has more exposure to Biden than the public does, obviously knew about his health, and the seriousness of his condition, better than virtually anyone else.  That she has so baldly lied to the public despite that knowledge indicates gross negligence, in the best case scenario. Or, worse (but more probable), being a co-conspirator in the coverup.

Indeed, the odds of the vice president simply being “negligent” are close to zero – she would have to be a special class of braindead, far worse than her boss, to believably profess ignorance about Biden’s mental incompetence.  While Kamala may be many things, she, like the rest of us, clearly knows about Biden’s health – and knew for a long time that he was incapable of serving out his duties.  On just that basis, she should be disqualified from running for president.


As it stands, the release of the letter was highly unorthodox.  It was reported that several White House aides learned about its release with the rest of the world when it was posted, without warning, on Biden’s official X account Sunday afternoon.  Even if those reports prove incorrect, the way Biden’s resignation occurred raises troubling questions about the prospect of a presidential coup playing out in real time.

Typically, presidents who prematurely resign from their posts (e.g., Nixon) or announce they will not be seeking reelection (e.g., LBJ) do so with a formal press conference on live television.  They do not ordinarily post letters unannounced on social media, issuing no accompanying statements or video announcements, remaining out of sight for days on end.  Many close observers raised important questions about the letter that demand a response: did Biden write it?  Who authorized it?  Why was it not written on official White House letterhead, which is standard procedure for official pronouncements?

Indeed, many in the public are right to believe – if Biden remains out of public view – whether the president is even still alive.  It was reported that he had been recovering from COVID in recent days; but other reports circulated that his health was far worse than what the White House originally reported, some going so far as to say he might be on his deathbed, or already deceased.  While that may appear farfetched: consider this, the White House – including Jill Biden, Karine Jean-Pierre, and indeed, Kamala Harris – have been reassuring the public in the three weeks since Biden’s debate debacle that he was spry, mentally sharp, and would not be dropping out of the race.


Biden’s schedule for the week.

None of that proved true.  Biden has dropped out of the presidential election, and party leaders — like Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton — have already begun coronating Kamala Harris as his successor.  If they are willing to lie about something as grave as Biden’s health, naturally they would also be willing to lie about a coup, to say nothing about whether he is alive or dead.

As all of this was playing out, Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle, who recently announced her own resignation, was being grilled by members of Congress about her role in the near-assassination of President Donald Trump a little over a week before.  It is almost indisputable that Biden’s resignation necessarily followed from the near-hit on the President’s life; it is extremely plausible Biden would not have dropped out had the unthinkable happened in Butler, Pennsylvania.  As we learn more about the “negligence” of what occurred on that near-tragic day, under whose pretext Cheatle resigned, it looks increasingly like there was something far more nefarious afoot.  But so far we have not gotten answers as to the obvious and ridiculous failures involving Secret Service on that day, including why the rooftop, which was only 130 meters away from the stage, was not secured; and why security officials were seemingly dragging their feet to react to attendees informing them about a shooter on the rooftop well over a minute before shots were fired, as documented in eyewitness video.


All told, the ridiculous lapses in judgment of both Cheatle and Harris suggest an administration that is terminally incompetent and corrupt beyond imagination. Otherwise, they must be participants in a criminal conspiracy.  There is no third option.

Even on the “mere” negligence count, Harris’ failure to invoke the 25th Amendment herself months ago offers more than plausible grounds for a criminal cover up.  As it stands, the RNC and Trump campaign has raised and expended hundreds of millions of dollars thus far already this election cycle under the assumption that Biden would be their opponent.

This assumption was backed by countless reassurances by Biden and his senior White House staff that he was “in good shape, in good health, and … ready to lead in our second term,” as Harris insisted.  Harris has made such outrageous claims like “[a]ge is more than a chronological fact … Not only is [Biden] absolutely authoritative in rooms around the globe, but in the Oval Office.”  Back in March, when asked about whether Biden would need to step down, she also said: “I’m ready, if necessary, but it’s not gonna be necessary.”


That she had the audacity to lie, and do it so brazenly is not simply a bad reflection of her character, or gross incompetence: it is plainly demonstrative of her role in a conspiracy to defraud the American people.  Her lies should be taken extremely seriously because they place hundreds of millions of Americans, and billions of people all around the world, at grave risk.  She is basically licensing our adversaries, including China, Iran, and North Korea, to take advantage of America’s incapacitated commander-in-chief and go to war or make a territorial grab.

Furthermore she is enabling millions of illegal aliens, many of whom are criminal felons and subversive agents, to infiltrate the homeland and accelerate America’s deterioration. She is also putting on notice billions more around the world to invade our country and potentially commit acts of domestic terrorism. In short, she poses an existential national security danger and is an active participant, enabler, and some may even say mastermind, given the political incentives, of the conspiracy to defraud the Republican Party of over a billion dollars, and much more insidiously, the American people their security to satisfy her power-hungry desires.

This is the textbook definition of despotism.  Over sixty percent of Americans see right through it and condemn the Kamala coup as the undemocratic power grab it is: the ancient saying “absolute power corrupts absolutely” has reared its sad and ugly head in the United States.  The political chaos of the past month is the manifestation of a corrupted regime entering its twilight, on the road to certain oblivion short of a radical course correction.  The incredibly high stakes of this year’s election have only gotten higher in light of the past forty eight hours; let us pray, for the sake of the republic, it is not already too late to salvage it from near-ruin.









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