

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Please, Mr. Trump. sue them until they bleed!

 As our esteemed President, Joseph Robinette Biden, recently intoned, we should tone down the hateful rhetoric and be about unity. Of course, doing so would overlook his evil and infamous “red light” speech given at Independence Hall (a sacrilege), a speech followed by innumerable comparisons between Trump and both Stalin and Hitler, not to mention the “very fine people” hoax, the bleach hoax, the Russia hoax, and on and on. Biden and his noisome minions are also forever intoning the “Threat to Democracy” mantra. It’s impossible to imagine that this rhetoric did not culminate in the recent event in Butler, Pennsylvania.

So, in the spirit of our Democrat leftist brothers’ call for unity and temperance, I humbly advise that President Donald Trump sue them for every dollar that they are worth. Start with Congressman Goldman (Trump should “be eliminated”) and move on down the line. Scarborough. Waters. Reid. Maddow. There are literally dozens more, including the whole cast of The View.

Image by AI.

Yes, I’m talking about lawfare!!! I’m afraid that our enemies understand neither forbearance nor forgiveness. That being the case, the answer is to go after them, using the exact tools that they have used to help destroy our country and countless good people in it. Don’t do it to make an example. Do it to make them hurt and, in their animal brain, teach a lesson.

The basis of the lawsuit? Easy! Reckless endangerment. The witnesses? The 100 million Americans who saw, live, the upper lobe of Donald Trump’s right ear get blown off. It seems a layup of a civil lawsuit, but even if the case is held in DC, I want their legal defense funds bled white. And maybe, just maybe, the case gets held in Butler.

And in the event that even one of the lawsuits is successful? President Trump should turn every dollar over to two entities: 1) a trust fund for the family of Mr. Comperatore and the two men seriously wounded as the vile fruit of Democrat Leftist hate speech, and 2) a legal defense fund for every January 6th prisoner.

It is 1775, people. And the shot heard ’round the world, circa 2024, has been fired. Our Forefathers are asking when their progeny will awaken. Or do we just die in our sleep?


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