

Monday, July 29, 2024

Democrats Bait and Switch Their Own Voters

 “Bait and switch” is a form of consumer fraud in which the seller offers a superior item at an attractive price but then withdraws that item and tries to get the buyer to purchase an inferior item at possibly a higher price.  “A ‘bait and switch’ is ... a violation of the Consumer Fraud and Deceptive Business Practices Act.”  The Democrat party just perpetrated this fraud on its own voters when, after baiting them with an offer of Joe Biden as their 2024 presidential candidate, they sabotaged his candidacy, forced him to withdraw, and substituted Kamala Harris (AKA “Mike Nifong in a Pantsuit”) instead.  The Democrats did not allow their registered voters any opportunity to play a role in this selection process.

Here are the facts, and I encourage registered Democrats to verify this for themselves before they decide how to vote in November.

  1. Joe Biden won all 56 primary contests and 3,905 delegates.  His opponent won no contests and only four delegates.  Kamala Harris did not even compete in the primaries.
  2. After Biden’s debate with Donald Trump, the Democrat party’s power brokers, including Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Charles Schumer, and actor George Clooney, openly sabotaged his candidacy to force him to withdraw.  Mother Jones, hardly a right-leaning source, reports, “‘Nancy [Pelosi] made clear that they could do this the easy way or the hard way,’ said one Democrat familiar with private conversations who was granted anonymity to speak candidly.  ‘She gave them [the Biden camp] three weeks of the easy way.  It was about to be the hard way.’”  It sounds as though Pelosi made Biden an offer he could not refuse; whether she could have gotten a horse’s head past the U.S. Secret Service into Biden’s bed is admittedly open to question.
  3. The Democrat party brokers, with no input or consent from the 14,465,519 Democrats who voted for Biden, then selected Kamala Harris as their nominee.  This is, from where I sit, an outright bait and switch.

Although Biden then endorsed Harris for president, we need to remember what he along with Tulsi Gabbard said about her during the 2020 Democrat primaries.  It is vital for Republicans to circulate this video on social media as widely as possible between now and the election to remind Democrats that they have been bait-and-switched.  We must also encourage people to search on “Kamala Harris” and “exculpate” themselves to find her history of suppressing exculpatory evidence. 


She was also in a situation where she had a police department when she was there that was in fact was abusing people’s rights, and the fact was that she in fact was told by her own people, her own staff, that he should do something about and disclose to defense attorneys like me, that you in fact have been — the police officer did something that did not give you information that would exculpate your client.  She didn’t do that.  She never did it.  And so, what happened?  Along came a federal judge and said enough, enough, and he freed 1,000 of these people.  If you doubt me, Google, “1,000 prisoners freed, Kamala Harris.”

The above was not entirely accurate, as 1,000 cases were thrown out, but not all of those involved were in prison.  The fact that 1,000 cases were thrown out speaks for itself, though.  Hundreds of innocent people probably had to defend themselves against junk criminal charges, while hundreds of those who were actually guilty had to be let off, because Harris failed to follow the Brady Rule.

Tulsi Gabbard added how the criminal justice system affects non-white people disproportionately.  She pointed out that Harris jailed more than 1,500 people for marijuana and then laughed when she admitted to using it herself.  She added that Harris blocked evidence that would have freed an innocent man from death row, although it turned out that the man was actually guilty.  Nonetheless, had the DNA testing been performed as requested, this would have been determined a lot sooner.  Gabbard also contends that Harris kept people in prison for use as cheap prison labor.

Kamala Harris cannot write these statements off as “Republican smears” because President Biden, who somehow forgot Kamala’s history when he made her his running mate and then endorsed her candidacy for president, is a Democrat.  Gabbard was a Democrat in 2020 but later left the party due to anti-police and anti-religion rhetoric.  “Gabbard additionally accused the party of ‘stoking anti-white racism,’ being contemptuous toward religion and police and driving the country closer to nuclear war.”

An opinion piece in the left-leaning New York Times adds, “Most troubling, Ms. Harris fought tooth and nail to uphold wrongful convictions that had been secured through official misconduct that included evidence tampering, false testimony and the suppression of crucial information by prosecutors.”

To this, Gabbard added recently on X, “Kamala Harris is completely unqualified to be commander-in-chief, whose responsibility is to keep our country safe and secure.  She not only couldn’t protect our border — she didn’t even want to.  And repeated [sic] lied claiming, ‘our border is secure!’”

This is not the only thing Harris has lied about, noting that she libeled an identifiable police officer with a false accusation of murder (as did Elizabeth Warren).  Michael Brown was shot justifiably when he assaulted a law enforcement professional and tried to take his sidearm, thus putting the officer in reasonable fear for his life.  The officer’s name is known, and both Harris and Warren levied a false public accusation of murder against him in writing, which is libel.  As Harris and Warren are both attorneys, they should know that a false public accusation of a felony is libel or slander per se, depending on whether the accusation is written or spoken.

This is nonetheless the person who will almost certainly be the Democrats’ nominee for president this November, even though she did not get any votes (unless written in) in the primary and did not get any delegates.  She is the nominee only because her party baited Democrats with Joe Biden and, once he won the nomination, sabotaged and undercut him to force him to withdraw.  Then they switched in Kamala Harris without the consent of a single registered rank-and-file Democrat voter.

That is called bait and switch.  It’s unlawful if done with products or services, and the swing voters who will decide the election are well within their rights to conclude that Obama, Pelosi, and Co. have swindled them royally.

Civis Americanus is the pen name of an American Thinker contributor who remembers the lessons of history and wants to ensure that our country never needs to learn those lessons again the hard way.



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