

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Biden's lost chance at unity

 I heard Biden mention if he won or when (voter fraud) he would work his first 100 days agenda on helping the middle class.    

I thought Shutthefuckup you Liar!  It's all about the Illegals for you Dipshit! Now the sonofabitch is back out demonizing Trump

The RNC convention has been a spectacle of unity, fellowship, and camaraderie. It has been as refreshing as an icy beverage on a hot day (still in the 90s where I reside). I am especially excited to see previous rivals and Trump train enthusiasts come together with clear and positive messages on exactly how this country can be rehydrated from the dried-out husk it has become under the Democrats. Speakers have been laser focused on solutions and have expressed a real need to quell the divisiveness that has been metastasizing since the Obama years.

To this day, the Left never stops yapping about unity and bringing everyone together, while decrying the awfulness of conservatives. Biden campaigned on bringing about unity, which is pretty funny given how much more divided the Left and the Right are since he was installed. I guess doglegging left to appease the real radical haters of democracy didn’t get the job done.

In the last few days, the biggest opportunity for Biden to finally come close to hitting his unity goal has come and gone. I guess you could say he missed the “bullseye.” A conciliatory Biden came out of his hidey hole sometime after the attempt on Trump’s life to decry the heinous event. Although he wouldn’t commit to the obvious -- that it was an attempt on Donald’s life, his furrowed brow and turned down mouth served to display some element of concern. Well, that concern lasted a hot minute before he continued spouting off about Charlottesville, Trump lies during the debate, and other gems from his compilation of greatest hits.

Biden and the media fumbled an easy play to help unite the country and it looks like they will never be brought around to what the RNC and Trump supporters have been heralding from downtown Milwaukee -- that a nation divided cannot stand.   





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