

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

The Democrat party committed criminal fraud against the American people

 We conservatives, simply by watching Joe Biden’s public appearances and speeches, have known for a long time that he is suffering from dementia. We’re now learning that Democrats, whether elected officials, bureaucrats, or the media, have known for just as long, all their lies and denials to the contrary, as a shocking Wall Street Journal report reveals. By hiding Biden’s condition from the American people and allowing the country to be governed (badly) by an unelected cabal, the Democrat establishment committed a massive, criminal fraud against our nation.

When I say we conservatives have known for a long time about Biden’s dementia, I mean it, as evidenced by myriad American Thinker essays. On March 27, 2020, Joel Gilbert wrote,

Almost every night, all of America is witness to Joe Biden's seemingly progressive mental decline on full display.  The decline expresses itself in surprisingly different forms each night.  It all adds up to what we laymen are certain is age-advanced dementia.

On March 5, 2021, Sally Zelikovsky wrote an essay focused entirely Biden’s manifest dementia—and on Kamala’s obvious knowledge:

In their desperation for a president they could manipulate and in her zeal to be FLOTUS, the Democrat Party and Jill Biden offered Joe Biden as a sacrificial lamb to gain power -- forcing the rest of us to watch, in real time, the disintegration of a human being suffering from dementia.


Not only does Kamala escort him off stage after standing legs athwart, masked in black like the Hand of the King, but Jill, the quintessential helicopter spouse, is ever-present, holding his hand. (Emphasis added.)

Those are just examples. The words “Biden” and “dementia” or “senility” pop up repeatedly in American Thinker essays going back to the start of Biden’s administration. The same is true for other conservative publications.

The Democrat establishment, both in politics and the media, insisted that these assertions defamed Biden, who was as sharp as ever. Indeed, they were saying this after the Hur report openly stated that Biden’s memory was shot, and they were still saying it after the infamous debate revealed to everyone that Biden was a somewhat sentient vegetable. Who can forget the timeless July 3 headline from AP: “Biden at 81: Often sharp and focused but sometimes confused and forgetful.”

One day after that story, Olivia Nuzzi exposed “The Conspiracy of Silence to Protect Joe Biden.” She explained in detail and at length that everyone around Biden, including the media reporting on him, knew what was happening and that this knowledge extended as far back as the 2020 campaign.

But that was insiders, right? Who else knew?

Well, it turns out that the entire congressional Democrat caucus knew. The Wall Street Journal describes what was going on three years ago, at the beginning of Biden’s presidency:

President Biden had just finished trying to persuade a group of congressional Democrats to pass a $1 trillion infrastructure bill when Nancy Pelosi, then the House speaker, took the microphone.

In 30 minutes of remarks on Capitol Hill, Biden had spoken disjointedly and failed to make a concrete ask of lawmakers, according to Democrats in the room. After he left, a visibly frustrated Pelosi told the group she would articulate what Biden had been trying to say, one lawmaker said.

“It was the first time I remember people pretty jarred by what they had seen,” recalled Rep. Dean Phillips (D., Minn.), who would go on to mount an unsuccessful primary challenge against the president.

That was October 2021. That month was the last time Biden met with the House Democratic caucus on the Hill regarding legislation. (Emphasis mine.)

When Biden campaigned this year on his glorious legislative accomplishments, that was a lie. He’d done nothing. He was just a figurehead, while the real executive authority lay with unnamed, unknown, and unelected people.

Americans are only just now discovering this fact, and they’re panicking about who’s running the country. The answer is that it’s the same people who have been running the country since Biden’s inauguration when they guided his palsied hand to sign the executive orders erasing most of what Trump had accomplished.

Criminal fraud is an ancient crime, that’s defined in pretty much the same way across all American jurisdictions. It occurs when

  1. a person engages in a deliberate scheme
  2. to gain something by making misrepresentations to or concealing information from people
  3. to get them to change their position to the fraudster’s advantage and their disadvantage, and
  4. in reliance on the misrepresentations or absence of honest, relevant info,
  5. people do change their positions to their detriment. That is exactly what the Democrat establishment did to America.

In 2020, the Democrat establishment coalesced around Biden because the other alternatives were Bernie Sanders (an open communist), Pete Buttigieg (young, inexperienced, ineffectual as a mayor, and Marxist), or Elizabeth Warren (everybody’s nightmare hippy-leftist mother-in-law). The powerbrokers knew they couldn’t drag any of those candidates across the finish line in a general election.

However, Biden, who still carried with him the faint miasma of the Obama administration, could be propped up to win, especially with the help of election fraud. The icing on the cake was that Democrats offset his “old white guy-ness” by attaching a black(ish) female to his side. That was a political calculation.

The fraud was that the entire establishment knew then that Biden’s brain was turning into soup. They knew it, they hid it, and they hid it for the next three-and-a-half years as Biden’s degradation continued. They lied about his mental health, they lied about Hunter’s laptop, they lied about the Russia hoax, the Ukraine hoax, the “very fine people” hoax, the origin of COVID, and so much more.

Based on these lies, which reached Americans who weren’t hooked into contradictory information from conservatives, America ended up not with a president but with a hidden, unelected cabal. Talk about a fraud.

In Congress, “What did you know and when did you know it?” should be the question on every conservative’s lips. Conservative attorneys general across America must indict those involved in this fraud. And if, God willing, Trump wins, his honest federal attorney general should line up the indictments, too.

(One more thing: As everyone acknowledges, the person who did more to put Biden over the top in 2020 than anyone else was South Carolina Rep. Jim Clyburn. One way to punish Clyburn for his major role in this grotesque fraud is to get him out of office immediately. Duke Buckner can do this, but he needs your help.)


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