

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

DoD backtracks on plan to feed our troops lab-grown ‘meat’... but it looks like children may very well be the next target

 I see a small square of this crap in the frozen food section for about $7.  I wouldn't pay anything for that crap. I read somewhere that Bill Gates is invested in this?

First, the good news: The scheme to feed our troops lab grown “meat” while confined in “operational environments” is now officially defunct, according to a press release from the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association via Cowboy State Daily.

Now, for the not-so-good news. The plan doesn’t appear to be entirely dead but just on ice, with the schemers having simply adjusted fire, seemingly setting their sights on an easier target: school children.

Allow me to break it all down.

In June of this year, Adam Kredo at The Washington Free Beacon reported on a collaborative effort between the Department of Defense and BioMADE (at taxpayer expense of course) to grow and expand the lab-grown “meat” industry using our troops as guinea pigs, because of global warming or something:

BioMADE, a public-private company that has received more than $500 million in funding from the Defense Department, announced earlier this month that it is seeking proposals to develop ‘innovations in food production that reduce the CO2 footprint of food production at ... DoD operational environments,’ according to an online announcement.

These include ‘novel cell culture methods suitable for the production of cultivated meat/protein,’ or lab-grown meat, a product that is still in its experimental phases.

Lab-grown “meat” is a filthy and disgusting product with a far greater (negative) environmental impact than traditional ranching and is wholly barbaric—unlike sourcing meat the old-fashioned way from your local farmer—as the cultures largely used in the process come from aborted cow fetuses:

Foetal Bovine Serum: Lab-grown meat relies heavily on animal serum, particularly foetal bovine serum (FBS), sourced from slaughtered pregnant cows. FBS is a versatile option compared to other serums, as it contains an array of proteins suitable for growing and duplicating different types of animal cells. 

(And wouldn’t you know it, the pseudo-bleeding hearts cry about the barbarity of “murdering” an unborn cow, yet still support abortion.)

Anyway, the revelation prompted serious outcry, because lab-grown “meat” is experimental, and laced with unknown chemicals—this is “proprietary information” which needs to be kept away from the prying eyes of the public—which is why the NCBA fought back hard, and for now, can claim a victory. (And as you might have been able to guess, there are just two degrees of separation between BioMADE and Bill Gates; Gates was part of a $275-million “investment” into Ginkgo Bioworks, which is one of the “industry members” of BioMADE.)

However… If you go to the BioMADE website, you see that the company’s mission includes “large-scale public-private collaboration on technology, supply chain, and education and workforce development.” And, some of those public collaborators are public school districts; I count no fewer than four on the BioMADE website:

Davis School District (Utah)

Eden Prairie School District (Minnesota)

Murray School District (Utah)

Worcester Public Schools (Massachusetts)

Are these schools handing out “free” lunches? What’s really in the food in the cafeteria?

Furthermore, it’s even more concerning considering that history provides us with a plethora of examples in which the the government has poisoned Americans, particularly military members and school-aged children, for the sake of sick “science” experiments. From the Smithsonian:

When Fred Boyce and dozens of other boys joined the Science Club at Fernald State School in 1949, it was more about the perks than the science. Club members scored tickets to Boston Red Sox games, trips off the school grounds, gifts like Mickey Mouse watches and lots of free breakfasts. But Fernald wasn’t an ordinary school, and the free breakfasts from the Science Club weren’t your average bowl of cereal: the boys were being fed Quaker oatmeal laced with radioactive tracers.

The Fernald students’ experiment was just one among dozens of radiation experiments approved by the Atomic Energy Commission. Between 1945 and 1962, more than 210,000 civilians and GIs were exposed to radiation, often without knowing it. What seems unthinkable in today's era of ethics review boards and informed consent was standard procedure at the dawning of the Atomic Age.

Oh, and how could we forget when the National Institutes of Health funded research that tested novel AIDS drugs on minority foster children, from infancy into the teens; here’s this, from an NBC News report:

In one study, researchers reported a ‘disturbing’ higher death rate among children who took higher doses of a drug. That study was unable to determine a safe and effective dosage.

Parents, let this serve as a sobering reminder that the government cannot be trusted, especially when it comes to the health and welfare of our precious children.


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