

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Did the US government just accidentally admit guilt in the Trump assassination plot?

The three post below are interesting breaking things down that the "democrat" Media does not do

There’s a thick cloud of mystery and suspicion hanging over the Trump assassination plot. To say conspiracy theories are flying would be a wild understatement. They are off the hook at this point. But can you really blame people? For starters, many have understandably lost faith in our lying, scheming government, thanks to its unscrupulous shenanigans against President Trump and the American people. The entire COVID debacle was just the final nail in their coffin. Plus, too many things just aren’t adding up regarding Trump’s assassination plot. The story we’re being told reeks like a fish market in the middle of July. And now, it’s gotten even fishier.

This latest move by Dems has many thinking that they’ve got a lot to hide.

According to Congresswoman Lauren Boebert, Biden’s henchman Alejandro Mayorkas has done a complete about-face regarding briefing the House Oversight Committee on the breakdown in security during the attempted assassination of President Trump. As Lauren Boebert puts it, what on earth are they hiding, and is this a sign that they might be trying to hide “guilt” involving the plot to kill President Trump?

It’s certainly a reasonable question at this juncture.

There’s still so many unanswered questions, but one thing we do know is that the Bidens’ good buddy, Kim Cheatle, the director of the Secret Service, didn’t properly secure the rooftop because there was a “slope,” and she didn’t want an agent to fall and hurt himself.

Slopes, you say?

Even Elon Musk thinks the “slope” story is absolutely absurd.

Why hasn’t this woman been fired? She’s clearly not up to the job, or maybe she did exactly what she was supposed to and left that area unsecured for a reason?

Well, for starters, she might not be fired yet because Joe Biden doesn’t even remember who he appointed to the position.

The story about the shooter just keeps getting weirder. Now, we’re supposed to believe that he was wandering around with a rifle and a giant ladder, completely undetected.

MJ Truth Ultra:

The FBI Just Released More Details Regarding the Trump Assassin

• he went to a shooting range where he was a member, and practiced firing, the day before

• the day of the rally, Crooks went to a Home Depot and purchased a five-foot ladder
—— does that look like a 5ft ladder to you?

• He visited a gun store, purchased 50 rounds of ammunition

• Crooks drove his Hyundai Sonata about an hour north, joining Trump’s rally.
—— He parked the car outside the rally, with an improvised explosive device hidden in the trunk that was wired to a transmitter he carried.

• Investigators believe, he used his newly-bought ladder to scale a nearby building, and opened fire on the former president.

SO….. the dude was carrying a ladder, a rifle, and NOBODY on Trumps Security detail saw him?


Here’s a closeup of the image:


And if you think they’ll carefully preserve the evidence, you might want to think again. With the corrupt FBI on the case, who knows what will end up lost in the shuffle?

Revolver’s own Darren Beattie actually asked the million-dollar question recently. It’s not so much about the slopes or why the would-be assassin wasn’t engaged sooner. The real question everyone should be asking is: how did the shooter know that spot would be free?


There’s a ton of mystery surrounding the Trump assassination attempt, and lots of folks are zeroing in on one big thing: a rooftop just 150 yards from where Trump was speaking was left totally unguarded. Say what? Obviously, it’s a huge oversight, and we definitely need some answers. But Revolver’s own Darren Beattie, the same guy who blew the lid off the J6 “Fedsurrection,” is digging into the real head-scratcher here.

As Darren puts it, it’s not just about why that spot was left open and unguarded. The real kicker is, how did the shooter know that the rooftop would be empty and totally ignored? How did the shooter know that the rooftop wasn’t crawling with cops, snipers, or Secret Service? Why did he choose the only unguarded spot around? Was it just blind, dumb luck, or something more sinister? It’s definitely something to think about, folks.

You can read the entire compelling piece here:

Darren Beattie just asked the mind-blowing million-dollar question about the Trump shooter…

There’s a ton of shady stuff happening, and there are too many unanswered questions. So, it shouldn’t surprise anyone that the regime, hell-bent on punishing and destroying their political enemies, is now clamming up. The nation just watched a former President of the United States get shot on live TV, and everyone—except for the US government—wants answers. There’s something very wrong with this picture.


This is the first time they are not going apeshit over the use of an ar-15?  Why is that?

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