

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

LAWLESS: Chuck Schumer Announces Scheme to Strip President Trump of Court-Granted Immunity and Send Him to Jail (VIDEO)

Keep in mind the slow rolled recounts in Arizona and Georgia that gave this Scumbag the Majority leader.  How many ballots did they produce to get the win?

 This is the Same Stinking Piece of Shit that threatened the Conservative Judges on the Supreme Court on camera. I really hope there's a place in hell for Human Garbage like this

This ruling covered all former Presidents, not just trump.  Biden will need this if it didn't get clarified by Scotus, but This Dirty Bastard don't like it

Screenshot: The Hill

A historic Supreme Court ruling is not stopping Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) from trying to imprison President Trump.

As The Gateway Pundit reported, the Supreme Court last week ruled 6-3 along ideological lines in favor of Trump, asserting that presidents are immune from criminal liability involving official acts during their tenure.

The case Trump v. United States arose from narcissistic Special Counsel Jack Smith’s corrupt indictment against Trump, who is falsely accusing the 45th President of conspiring to throw out the 2020 presidential election results.

The garbage charges Smith has levied include spreading “claims” of election fraud and “attempting to obstruct the certification of the election results.”

Schumer took to the Senate floor Monday to whine about the ruling. According to the Hill, he declared the Court was wrong to grant Trump “a breathtaking level of immunity.”

“They incorrectly declared that former President Trump enjoys broad immunity from criminal prosecution for actions he took while in office. They incorrectly declared that all future presidents are entitled to a breathtaking level of immunity so long as their conduct is ostensibly carried out in their official capacity as president,” Schumer complained.

Schumer went on to say the court majority had “effectively placed a crown on Donald Trump’s head,” “putting him above the law” and making him “in many ways untouchable.”


Schumer then announced he had something to ensure that Trump could still be prosecuted effectively despite the Court ruling. He said he would be working with his fellow Democrats to classify Trump’s acts after the 2020 election as unofficial ones not subject to immunity, thereby removing court-granted immunity.

If implemented into law, this would be a huge lifeline for the Biden regime as it tries to remove the presidential frontrunner from the field.


SCHUMER: I will work with my colleagues on legislation classifying Trump’s election subversion acts as unofficial acts not subject to immunity. We’re doing this because we believe that in America no president should be free to overturn an election against the will of the people, no matter what the conservative justices may believe.”

As we work on this important matter, we will also continue to develop other proposals to reassert Congress’s Article One authority to rein in the abuse of our federal judiciary.


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