

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Make Democrats tell you what their party stands for

 “Never Trump” is not a platform, yet when you ask Democrats what they stand for, they will snarl about Donald Trump. Don’t let them get away with refusing to tell you what they are in favor of.  Tell them not to mention Trump’s name and they will regurgitate old bromides about how Democrats are for “the little guy” and poor people. Both of those lies have long since been disproved by the very situation in which we now find ourselves under Biden & Co. In truth, Democrat policies never really helped the little guy or poor people. 

Democrat policies are notoriously designed to keep the poor and the little guy/gal at subsistence levels, just enough money to keep them voting Democrat, but not enough money to make them successful or wealthy — not enough for them to be able to leave the plantation. It’s Democrat policy to bribe voters because everyone knows that a Democrat will do anything for freebies, including selling their own futures and those of everyone else. 

Democrat policies broke up the once-strong black family by paying women for each child so long as no man lived in the house to provide for them. As a result, too many black householders are poor, uneducated, and prone to drug use, alcoholism, and crime. But they get that monthly check to keep them that way. It’s hideous but it’s Democrat policy. Sad to say, Republicans have done little to change this either, so no one is blameless in this awful situation.

Democrats should be asked if they are better off now than when Trump kept inflation and unemployment exceptionally low. Ask them and don’t let them change the subject. They should be asked if they are paying less or more for everything now, especially groceries, than when Trump was in office.

Ask Democrats if the hostile nations who have threatened to blow us off the globe such as China, Iran, and North Korea are less or more afraid of attacking us now that a feeble, incompetent Democrat is in the White House. Are we safer now than when Trump was POTUS?

Ask Democrats if there is more or less crime than when Trump was President. Ask if they approve of legal retail theft. After all, it’s Democrat policy.

Ask a Democrat if he or she approves of DEI businesses and government entities promoting and hiring minorities based only on skin color, and getting sued if they don’t. It’s Democrat policy.

Ask Democrats if they approve of 8 million unvetted illegal immigrants, which Joe and Kamala encouraged. Ask them if they worry about terrorists coming across the borders, all set to do another 9/11, or worse.

Ask Democrats if they think it’s fair to give illegal immigrants free housing, food, and medical care while Americans have to pay for their own , AND the illegals’ housing, food, and medical care. Hey, it’s Democrat policy.

Ask Democrats if it’s okay with them that schools are teaching little kids how to be gay and trans and to keep it secret from parents. Ask if it’s okay that little children are reading illustrated homosexual pornography in schools, and is it okay that children are told by teachers not to tell their own parents about it, because that’s Democrat public school policy.

Be sure to tell Democrats that they have been lied to by the media for years — did they see the debate? Did they know Joe was so impaired? Why didn’t they know? We knew. But it’s Democrat policy for the White House Press secretary and the media to shield Joe Biden from any negative news coverage.

When asking what the Democrat party’s plank is, do not accept any ad hominem attacks against Trump, like “mean tweets” or “fat cat rich white guy” or “insurrectionist.” Instead, make them tell you what an insurrectionist, a Nazi, a fascist, or a white supremacist really is; they likely won’t know. Trump has been called all those things by Democrats and the media. If your Democrats insist on talking about Trump, refuse to engage until they start talking about Joe and the last 4 years. 

Maybe you can turn the light on for them so that they don’t turn the lights out in America next election.


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