

Saturday, July 6, 2024

NEW JERSEY “dhimmified” school superindent issues apology for calling the Islamic State a “terrorist group”


A question at a Wayne, NJ middle school quiz asked: “What is the name of “a terrorist organization that commits acts of violence, destroys cultural artifacts, and encourages loss of life in order to achieve its goal of global rule under strict Islamic Sharia law?” 

NY Post (h/t Nita) and MSN   Students in the social studies class had to choose between Al-Qaeda; Palestinian Liberation Organization; Shining Path; and the correct answer, of course, the Islamic State aka ISIS. The Islamic State has been designated by the US federal government as a foreign “terrorist organization.”
The question evoked an outraged response on social media from a Muslim groups called  Teaching While Muslim (TWM), a group of educators who spread lesson plans that seek to counter so-called Islamophobia in New Jersey classrooms. The group said referring to it as the Islamic State, rather than by its acronym ISIS, legitimizes the claim that it represents all Muslims.
After TWM called the question“anti-Muslim” — Superintendent of schools Mark Toback folded like a cheap suit.  

The Muslim group posted a statement to its Instagram account asserting that the quiz was “flawed” and that it revealed an explicit bias in the way current affairs of the Middle East are taught in US schools.
“This type of framing caused the perpetuation of hatred toward the Muslim community and Muslim students – both by their peers AND their teachers,” said the radical Muslim group. “It further indoctrinates students to link the Islamic State with Islam.” (Ya think???) It further indoctrinates students to link ISIS with Islam, and toe link terrorism with Islam,” the group said. The Muslim apologists also took issue with the Palesitnian Liberation Organization – what they call a “legitimate” governing agency – being listed as a possible answer to the quiz question.
“The question was offensive and contrary to our values of respect, inclusivity, and cultural sensitivity,” came Toback’s plea. “I sincerely apologize.”
Superintendent of schools Mark Toback apologized for the quiz question in an email response (below) to upset parents last week. It was “offensive and contrary to our values of respect, inclusivity and cultural sensitivity,” he wrote.
“Such incidents are unacceptable and do not reflect the standards we uphold for our educational community,” he added. “We understand the deep concern and disappointment this has caused among students, parents and the broader community.”
(I guess we can assume that the same question about which terror group was behind 9/11 would have evoked the same outraged response from this Islamic terrorim-denying group?)





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