

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Nothing matters (in elections) more than election integrity

 With all the questions and issues surrounding the upcoming 2024 election, the elephant in the room is the overwhelming possibility of election fraud.  Nothing else matters more.

Somehow, it has become unfashionable to mention that beast.  That alone is a dangerous development.  Somehow, the incident (not “insurrection”) of January 6, 2021 has been twisted into the meme that only those who are irrational conspiracy theorists could believe that widespread electoral fraud could possibly occur in a national election.  The words “without evidence” are routinely appended to President Trump’s so-called “election denial,” when in fact, mountains of evidence were produced contemporaneously, with more having been discovered since.

Instead of warning about the vulnerability of mail-in ballots and drop boxes being highly susceptible to cheating, the pundits, even on the right, are wasting time measuring how many voters in which demographics are trending toward Trump.  It will not matter.

The Arizona gubernatorial election of 2022 is a case study in how a candidate, ahead by eleven percentage points, can suddenly lose when voting machines suspiciously malfunction at the critical moment.  Every irregularity in every election seems always to favor the Democrat, never the Republican.  Murphy’s law (which says that if anything can possibly go wrong, it will) was supposed to be impartial, not intentional.

The key question now is this: on the day after this year’s November election, will the results be believed?  Will they be accepted?  Almost certainly, if Trump is overwhelming the vote count at midnight, but by 3 A.M. has lost by just enough votes to install the Democrat, there will be a sense of déjà vu, of impossible coincidence, of the criminal returning to the scene of the crime.

The other big question involves a victory by Trump so obvious that denial will be the subject of yet another Saturday Night Live skit (as in November of 2016), in which anti-Trumpians will be lampooned again.  The question then will be, what will the Deep State do?  Its denizens will face an existential choice.  Either they will lose their power and suffer the fate of cockroaches when the lights are turned on, or else they will resort to true insurrection — not just a riot, but an actual seizure of unconstitutional power.

The really scary part is not so much what might happen in November, but rather before then.  If the radical left truly comes to believe that it cannot defeat Trump by fair means or foul in November, the prospect of having any election at all may be unacceptable to it.

China and Russia are watching.




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