

Sunday, July 7, 2024

The government’s Epstein problem

 I’m not going to rehash the details surrounding the Epstein … thing, because I don’t have any. 

Nobody seems to. 

And what details we do know make absolutely no sense whatsoever.  The official story sounds like a Millennial giving his boss an excuse for why he was late for work; complete horse manure.

It was described by American media as “the most prolific pedophile ring in American history”… yet only one person went to jail … and that person is, a British woman.  (One person does not a “ring” make … nor two, for that matter.)

How is that even possible?  A woman?!?

The “elite” all have weird excuses for why they were around Jeff Epstein. 

Listening to their collective excuses make it seem like Jeffrey had his plane sitting around Davos, Aspen, and East Hampton waiting for celebrities, businessmen and politicians to have plane trouble so he could helpfully give them a lift.

It also seems that everyone who ever met Jeffrey was extremely reluctant to do so, and they all immediately sensed something was “off” about him … but they rode his plane and were photographed with him … over and over.

The reluctance to meet or spend time with Jeffrey is the one that gets me.  I don’t know much about the uber wealthy, but I do know this; they don’t meet with anyone they don’t want to meet with.   They have unlisted numbers and layers of people that you’re going to have to go through if you want to meet them.  They are going to know who you are, and what you want, long before agreeing to see you.   

I find it impossible that anyone at all can approach Prince Andrew unless it’s exactly what he wants to happen. 

Same goes for all the rich men who “reluctantly” met Jeffrey.

I also find it impossible to believe they could have been passengers on his plane, while “barely knowing” him.   A private plane isn’t an airline.  A private plane is a remarkably private and privileged space.  It’s not a limousine on prom night, its magnitude is more expensive, intimate, and exclusive.

Listening to all the people who ever “reluctantly” and “regretfully” took his jet, they all made it sound like they accepted a airplane ride from someone they barely knew, didn’t want to know, and had “off” feelings about ... but yet they got in a little tube that traveled at 35,000 in the sky feet with him.  Yeah, right.

I’ve read that Jeffrey was trying to blackmail Bill Gates. 


How does that work?  Bill Gates owns the license of the operating system of Jeffrey’s company’s (and everyone else’s) computers … and he has to put up with Jeffrey blackmailing him?

I’m sorry, but I’m sure if anyone tries to blackmail Bill Gates, he will find all his computer screens going blue … and Microsoft can fix them … for a price.

Let’s get the gubmint in on this festival of lies. 

A local prosecutor was warned off Epstein because he was an “intelligence asset.”  This much is on the record.

This is a problem.

First of all, whose “intelligence asset” was he? 

Doesn’t matter really, now does it?  If that’s what he was, it’s a U.S. government fail … even if he wasn’t a CIA asset. Hell, especially if he was an intelligence asset, but not American.  If another government can set up an Epstein to “blackmail” the “elite” any time they want without the U.S. government knowing?  That’s a problem.

But worse, if he was an American intelligence asset, and they didn’t know what he was up to, they are pretty worthless as an intelligence-gathering tool.  If they did know, they were in on it … either way it’s beyond a government failure, it’s a crime … and a grossly immoral one at that.

It’s U.S. government secrecy regarding a deceased suspect in a normal criminal case that’s “been resolved” that is unwarranted to the point of becoming suspect.

If the CIA is running domestic operations to blackmail our “elite” by using underage people for sex … then our “intelligence” agencies are criminally liable, corrupt, and are in violation of basic Western morality.

(If our “elites” are particularly vulnerable to such operations involving children … this is a gross problem that should be addressed too.)

We are $34 trillion in debt.  One would think that running brothels for billionaires staffed by teenagers would be a low priority for the government right now.

It’s unacceptable for Uncle Sam to drive around in a white panel van giving candy to children to lure them in.  It’s illegal and gross. 

A government that is employing child prostitution as means and using the guise of national security to hide it is a government out of control.

Secrecy should be reserved for the gravest of wartime situations, as it has no place in a a free and open society.  The government has absolutely no interest in keeping the details of the Epstein case secret.  If it does, then it should be considered a co-defendant in said case.

Child abuse is unacceptable.  Secrecy surrounding it is unacceptable.  Government involvement is unacceptable.  They don’t get to protect themselves or anyone else. 

Jeffrey Epstein isn’t the Manhattan Project. Don’t accept government silence on the matter. 

And don’t consider the matter closed.


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