

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Unanswered Questions About the Trump Assassination Attempt

 Donald J. Trump didn’t have to run for president in 2015, or in 2020, or in 2024. He had a magnificent life. Why subject himself to the barbs and arrows of a political class and their media allies well-versed in the politics of personal destruction?

Only one reason: because he loved his country to the extent he was willing to sacrifice his wealth, livelihood and even his life to serve it.

Donald Trump is the only president to have left the White House poorer than when he took office.

I believe God himself protected Donald Trump on Saturday. Just a few millimeters in either direction, and the many bullets his would-be assassin fired at him would have blown his brains out.

I believe that God sends His guardian angels to protect those He chooses. Don’t ask me why or how He chooses whom to protect. But in my own life, I know I have been saved in so many times of great peril by a higher force, certainly not by my own hand. I have recounted some of those “close calls” in my book, And the Rest is History. After a while, saying you have been lucky is just not enough.

God extended a hedge of protection around Donald Trump. He saved him from a would-be assassin’s bullets for a purpose – His purpose. And that purpose can only be to turn His people back to Him.

The morning after the assassination, a blogger I have never met sent me Isaiah 54:17, which reads: 

No weapon that is fashioned against you shall prosper, and you shall confute every tongue that rises against you in judgment. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord and their vindication from me, says the Lord.

It’s remarkable to watch leading Democrats preach to the nation about forgiveness and tolerance and coming together, when the hate-filled rhetoric they have employed non-stop since Donald Trump descended the escalator in Trump Tower in July 2015 has engendered the very intolerance they now berate.

Just days before the assassination attempt, Joe Biden himself told donors, “we’re done talking about the debate. It’s time to put Trump in a bullseye.”

Just a figure of speech? Sure. But far more explicit than Trump’s comments to supporters on January 6, 2021, that they should “fight” to see justice done.

I won’t remind you of the so-called comedienne who held out a mock-up of Donald Trump’s severed head, or the pop star who said on the day of his inauguration that seeing Trump as president made her want to blow up the White House.

Those comments were just fine, as far as Democrats were concerned.

How about the June 2024 cover of The New Republic, that bastion of liberal Democrats? The shocker headline, “What American Fascism Would Look Like,” accompanied an image of Adolf Hitler morphed into Donald Trump.

Even former Attorney General Bill Barr, who resigned in December 2020 and has spoken many unkind words about Donald Trump, called horse pucky on the Democrats just hours after the shooting in Butler, PA.

“Democrats have to stop their grossly irresponsible talk about Trump being an existential threat to democracy. He is not,” the former AG told Fox News.

The day after the September 11, 2001 attacks on America, the FBI was able to tell the country who had attacked us, and why. In less than 24-hours, they had the names, nationalities, and even the passports of the nineteen hijackers, as well as their motive.

How is it that 48 hours after the assassination attempt on Trump the FBI can’t tell us what motivated a 20-year-old to climb up on a roof, threaten a police officer with an AR-15, and shoot at the president? Could it possibly be Trump Derangement Syndrome?

And why has the media not questioned his parents, undoubtedly the two people who have exerted the greatest influence over him? The shooter’s father, Matthew Crooks, told CNN late Saturday that he was trying to figure out “what the hell is going on,” but wouldn’t speak about his son until after he talked to law enforcement. That was two days ago.

The immediate questions I had on learning of the shooting will be answered in the coming days. A spokesperson for the agency blamed the local police, saying inexplicably it was their responsibility to secure areas outside the immediate security perimeter around the president.

Why didn’t the Secret Service secure that roof? It now appears, despite initial denials, that Trump’s Secret Service detail had indeed requested more resources on several occasions, but was turned down by their director, Kimberly Cheatle, who was more focused on diversity hires than protecting a former president and leading presidential candidate.

If anything, the events of the past few days have reconfirmed my belief that God has a plan for our nation, and that he has chosen Donald Trump as his instrument. And so, to all believers I say, rejoice! God is great, and His will be done.




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